There is colour everywhere you look in Mexico. Plants always seem to be in bloom and produce stands are overflowing with their colourful bounty. Walking around every town that I have had the privilege to explore so far, are brightly painted murals. And here is no exception, the beautiful Puerto Morelos murals are everywhere!

Mayan Murals
The beach side of town has so many beauties, I’ll start with this area.

The first day I explored the beach side of town I came across these three beauties. Ixchell is the Mayan jaguar goddess of midwifery and medicine. Yum Kaax is the Mayan god of vegetation and guardian of all the animals. And Itzamna is the ruler of heaven, day and night.
Animals, Birds & Flowers

See what I mean about colour? How creative and lovely are these? This is such a small sampling. Once I have explored the town a little more, I’ll come back and make another post with the treasures I have found!
Adios for now.