How can I not make a post about the most elemental part of Sayulita? The biggest reason visitors used to flock to this little town was for surfing. Walking around the streets, visible signs of the surfing vibe are everywhere. I have compiled a post of my best photo’s of a surfing town.

Surf Boards

Besides actually being at the beach and watching the surfers, the biggest evidence of surfing in town are the boards. As I have walked around the four main neighbourhoods here, I have been able to see boards of all shapes and sizes, new and old. They are such a charming element in many people yards and even in their homes.

Some are still covered in wax and it is apparent that they are used frequently. Others are collecting dust and have seen better days.

Still others are in constant use as they belong to various surf schools and private surfing instructors.

I never tire of photographing the boards no matter where they are. They represent a perfect image of carefree summer days, spent at the beach, having a blast. They represent happiness to me.


Down at South beach in Sayulita is where the surfing happens. There is an area in front of the river bed, where the waves break far away from shore. A favourite pastime has been going to the beach in the morning and watching the early surfers brave the chilly water. Along with dogs playing in the sand and the early morning swimmers, it is a perfect time of day for me to enjoy this stretch of beach with a warm cup of joe.

This has been one of my favourite things about being here in Sayulita. Seeing the boards and surfers every day. Being part of their chill vibe, seeing people outside, using their bodies in healthy ways. Humans playing in the sand and sun. It just feels right.

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