If you are a researcher like me, sometimes it is nice to see what a place actually looks like before you arrive. That way you can be prepared and won’t be surprised if the landscape doesn’t look the way you imagined. Old Town Street scenes in Puerto Vallarta is what this post will show you. These original neighbourhoods are so charming and lively. Walking here will distract you in every way.

Puerto Vallarta – A Walkers Paradise

Puerto Vallarta is a fairly large city on the Bay of Bandaras with numerous neighbourhoods. Most tourists head to the Romantic Zone or Old Town, Centro and 5th of Decembre. These are the oldest areas of Puerto Vallarta. The streets have retained the original cobble stone that they were made from in the 1850’s when the city was at its infancy.

Puerto Vallarta is often called a walking city. If you arrive into Old Town, most places you will want to visit are within walking distance. The hotels are close to the restaurants, markets, stores and the Malecon. Often it is a hindrance to have a vehicle here, for the lack of parking, chaotic and busy streets and condition of the roads can make driving a challenge.

Walkers Beware

The Sierra Madre mountain range cascades into the sea at Puerto Vallarta. Because of this, the streets around the older part of town can become very steep very fast. Those who have mobility issues might want to stay as close to the water as possible. Just two blocks away from the sea in some places, the terrain will start to rise, sometimes quite dramatically so. Sidewalks in town can definitely be a hazard, as they are seldom flat, can be up to 6 feet off the roadway and don’t have railings at this height.

Beware that pedestrians in Mexico do not have the right of way, always proceed with caution across the streets. Many, in fact most streets in Old Town are one way, but I urge you to always look both ways. It is not uncommon to see someone have a cheeky run down the wrong way of a street! ๐Ÿ™‚

Exploring the Streets

For myself, I absolutely love walking. It is one of my greatest pleasures in life. It allows me to explore area’s in depth, capturing sights, sounds and smells that I would rarely have the pleasure of experiencing otherwise. The hills in town give my legs a good workout on a daily basis. Some walks are slow ones where I am taking in my surroundings at leisure. Other walks are faster and more for exercise. Anytime I am out and about, I am paying attention to where my feet are landing.

Once you get a feel for the condition of the sidewalks and streets, walking in Old town and the surrounding neighbourhoods will become second nature. You will be delving into the real city scenes, not just those in the tourist areas. These spaces and places are where the magic is found.

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