Regular readers are probably aware that I gravitate to the older neighbourhoods when visiting any new destination. I love the depth of character, vibrancy and grit of the old hoods. Cyprus is no different. There is a lot of history to explore here and the old town Paphos is so pretty!!

Old Town Paphos is So Pretty!
City Hall in Old Town Paphos


Paphos was once the capital of the Island, from 400BC to 400AD. After this, the island was invaded and residents fled to the hills for safety to what today is considered Old Town. Raised up above the harbour, this part of town was completely deserted at one point.

When the British took over Cyprus in the 1880’s, they began to rebuild in Old Town, so many of the buildings seen today are from this later date.


The big municipal square is home to City Hall, constructed to resemble the Parthenon, and the neoclassical styled Library. Both of these beautiful buildings are situated across from each other. The square is enormous and abuts the Municipal Gardens, a serene and shaded landscape in the middle of town.


Facing the City Hall is a street lined with schools. The first was constructed in 1878 and one of the last buildings completed by 1950’s. These are all in the neoclassic style as well, with imposing front doors and porticoes. They are quite literally all lined up side by side down a single street.

Municipal Market

A large area close by, used to be the municipal market where seafood, fruit and veg had been sold since its conception in the 1920’s. I believe this area was quite derelict up until recently.

Now the space has been completely transformed into an area of small tourist shops. For me, this section of the city is quite disappointing, as not a lot of the original character has been retained. Instead, it is store after store selling much the same thing, typical tourist souvenirs. There are some restaurants and café’s here too, definitely geared for tourists and the like.

Cute bag
Municipal market entrance
Cute bags
Old Town Paphos

I stayed in this area for one entire day so far, there is that much to see. I definitely need to return, for the greater area surrounding this core, may have those treasured old buildings either still in original condition or renovated with all their splendour intact.

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