In the middle of Chloraka, there stand two churches which are sometimes referred to by the same name, standing almost side by side. One is very old and quaint, the other large and grand. Both are beautiful in their own rights. I visited these today, the old & new churches in Chloraka.

Old & New Churches in Chloraka
The Old Panagia Eleousa Church in Chloraka

The Old Church

Built in the 12th century, this beautiful old stone structure began life as a temple, and is incredible. Walking around the exterior, I am able to admire the stone masonry and the unique style with smooth organic lines.

These simple churches were built in the form of a cross with a dome at the intersection. Over the main door at the western entrance is the coat of arms of Frank signified with the letter ‘T’.


The most amazing sight for me inside the Panagia Eleousa are the frescoes. The earliest date back to the 13th century and can be seen along one wall, the right wall after you enter. Towards the altar and inside the dome are later frescoes which cover the earlier ones.

These paintings are simple, and the colours a muted. I find interest in studying the faces, the garments what the figures sometimes hold in their hands. It is quite dark inside this church, so the photographs are poor quality. Even trying to view these beautiful paintings in person is a challenge because of the dim interior.


Towards the altar are beautiful icons, most from the 18th & 19th century. Some of the older ones have been transferred into the new church which sits across the square.

Altar area
Oldest frescoes
Icons near the altar
Churches of Chloraka
Standing at the entrance

The New Church

Built in the 1920’s, the new Panagia Chrysoematousa is huge! Unfortunately, it suffered catastrophic damage in an earthquake in the 50’s and was completely rebuilt.

Today the exterior is a perfect representation of a Greek Orthodox church, both in its structure, shape and decorative features.

The Interior

Wow, I was completely overwhelmed when I visited this beautiful place. The attendant had just departed and I had the place to myself. Incense had been burning for a short while and one side of the building was hazy. As the sun rays entered through the open windows a burst of shine appeared and took my breath away. I felt I was in the presence of a higher power I must admit.


It appears that every inch of the interior is painted with the brightest and most vibrant frescoes. I was in awe standing in the middle and slowly circling, trying to absorb my surroundings.

Churches in Chloraka
Beautiful chandelier
Bright & vivid frescoes

The Altar

Covered in gold, the entire altar area is stunning, especially with the chandeliers and sunlight entering from up high. All I could do in those moments was clasp my hands to my chest, slowly wander around and stare in amazement at what my eyes were seeing.

If you find yourself in Chloraka I would highly recommend visiting these two churches. I believe they are both open daily, however the older one may have varying hours. There are celebrations at the new church and perhaps an Easter celebration at the older one.

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