Having taken the train down to the coast, I am desperate to have a look at the Black Sea. It would seem, after having a tremendous heat wave for the past three weeks, my first full day here is full of cloud cover. 😂 That’s okay though, I’m still going to head to Nessebar South Beach on a stormy day cause I need to see the coast!

The Forecast
I should be safe heading out this morning, for it is not due to rain until the afternoon. A big storm is on the horizon, bringing down the temperatures both in the water and on land. I can be fairly certain that most people are going to enjoy this day, purely for the cooler temps. Having been enduring 35+ Celsius for weeks, today with a high of only 22 is incredible!

Deciding on a Beach
I have given this no forethought. I simply looked at google maps and decided on the beach that looked the longest that was reasonably close to my lodging. Turns out this stretch of beach is called Nessebar South Beach. I head on over, not having any expectations.

I walk along the street for about 20 minutes and miss my turn towards the coast because I’m too busy looking at all of the interesting sights. When I realize I have overshot my turn, I head right and just meander towards where I think the sea is. Before I know it, I can see the water, and before my very eyes, is a huge stretch of sand!! Truth be told, I was thinking all the beaches here would be rocky, much like Split, Croatia. But I am so wrong! Sand, sand, gloriously soft fluffy sand!!

I have ended up at the far end of this beach, furthest from my house, perfect, I’ll walk the beach back. The skies are threatening, but spectacular at the same time. The contrast between the sand, water and skies is so dramatic, I love it.

There are more people here than I would have thought for an unsettled weather day. My eyes hardly ever leave the horizon, I have needed this for weeks. Being able to see the horizon for me, is everything. When I am in an environment where I cannot see far, I quickly become suffocated and feel trapped. I notice I am taking large deep breaths with my face held up towards the sky.

I am at the end of the beach now, and cliffs are looming. I decide to climb up one of the trails to see if I can find a road that will take me back into New Nessebar. Wow, how cool is this!! I climbed up a sandy path, and am now above the cliffs in a series of sand dunes!! Amazing! The same beautiful camel coloured soft fluffy sand, but loads and loads of undulating hills.
There is a lot of vegetation, wild flowers and even grapes! I never expected to be walking in sand dunes today! I am thrilled at my discovery. Needing groceries, I’ll head back towards town now. What a perfect morning on my first full day here in Nessebar, Bulgaria.