This is definitely one of the more pleasant and shorter travel days I’ve had in a long time. Two legs on a budget airline, a 2am wake up and arriving at my destination by 2pm. Looking forward to returning to this beautiful country, here is my travel day Chiang Mai to Da Nang on VietJet.

My Travel Day Chiang Mai to Da Nang on VietJet
Chiang Mai to Da Nang

CNX Chiang Mai

I took a Bolt to the airport this morning. I’m finding Bolt to be cheaper in Thailand than Grab, something I noticed last time I was here as well. The airport is empty, and of course I am here earlier than necessary.

When I checked in online, I was allocated seats that I could not change, and for both legs they are aisle. I am hoping to be one of the first in line to the desk today, to request window seats for both rides. And that is exactly what has happened, yay! I had a person in training check me in, and was standing at the desk for 25 minutes while he was taught how to use the system. Everyone has a first day on the job.

Into the departure lounge now, after clearing passport control and security, there is only one little shop open at 5am.


Flying VietJet again, I feel like I am used to this airline now. The staff are cordial, nothing is offered and the seats are uncomfortable and worn. That’s okay though, as long as I get from A to B safely that’s all that really matters.

This is a short and easy flight arriving into Bangkok. Skies are as clear as they get in this massive smog filled city. The windows on VietJet are notoriously scratched like this, its a struggle to get the camera to focus to distance.

BKK Bangkok

Suvarnabhumi or BKK for short, is a huge airport with loads of shopping and eateries. Prices are very high, $6 for one stale croissant. No thank you I made that mistake before.

Everything is open here in the main hubs, luxury stores and restaurants. There is a lack of seating, you must walk to your gate for that. Trouble is, you don’t know what gate you will be at until about an hour before the flight departs. Time to get my steps in.


Flying on VietJet again, this time we take a bus to the aircraft. This is a first for me though. We disembark the bus, only to walk up the stairs from outside the terminal, and onto the gangway to enter the aircraft.

This flight is nice a short too, just one hour long and I am arriving into Da Nang, a city I have been dreaming about returning to for the past year. The skies are clear, the city sprawls out before my eyes and I try and take it all in.

DAD Da Nang

The airport here is bright and easy to navigate. This will be the first stamp into my brand-new passport! I have had to apply for a visa for Vietnam before arrival. At passport control the very curt officer asks to see it on my phone.

Now out to baggage and my suitcase has arrived. After you have collected your luggage, find a wall of kiosks all vying for your business. This is where you can purchase a SIM card. Keep in mind, its almost always much more expensive to get your card at an airport, rather than once you have arrived into the city. And Da Nang is no exception. A two week, Vinaphone card here will set you back 240,000 dong or $14 CAD. In town, its half that price.

I’m taking a Grab ride from the airport to my accommodation near the beach. The Grab pickup point is in the parking lot near the large fountain for any other travellers as lost by the instructions as I am. There are people milling about including Grab helpers, and it’s a very short wait until my ride arrives and I’m whisked away.

All in all, a great travel day. I’m absolutely thrilled to be here. Da Nang is not a particularly beautiful city, has no outstanding architecture or such, but there is just something alluring here, I cannot place it. Its muggy, quirky, authentic, schizophrenic weather, chaos and fun all rolled into one.

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