These posts are always interesting to me. They record my initial thoughts upon arrival at each destination. I enjoy seeing how my images have changed by the time I am ready to leave any given area. Here are my first impressions of Seville Spain.

If you didn’t read my previous post, you won’t know that my baggage did not arrive and is lost. Besides being distracted and frazzled by this, I have met the loveliest people. From my super sweet Uber driver to the gent who went out of his way to help me find a place to purchase a SIM card my first day. The assistance I have received and the kindness with which it arrived is so warm and genuine.

Oh my, the architecture is pretty, the yellow hues so inviting and the narrow streets utterly charming. I have landed in the exact type of place I adore. History surrounds me, gorgeous details abound and I am feeling safe and eager to explore.

These ancient cobble stone streets hold a world of stories and I plan to discover as many as I can on this short visit to Seville.
I have purchased an initial grocery shop and the cost was only €13 for all of this! What the heck? That is so affordable. My first few hours once I had arrived at my Airbnb were spent in panic, trying to track down and SIM card and then finding food.

Each café, deli type shop and grocery store I pass is filled with delicious and affordable things. I cannot wait to delve into the food scene here. Not only am I in the land of tapas, but so many other Mediterranean foods and goodies.
So far, it’s a dream. The sidewalks are just fine, even when only thin narrow strips, in these tiny old streets. There is dog poop but really the streets are incredibly clean. I have no trouble navigating my way around and feel safe doing so.

I am thrilled to be here in southern Spain for the very first time. Having visited Barcelona twice before, I am eager to discover new parts of this country. I have been dreaming of this area for a long time and wow am I ever excited to be here.