I am so excited to be starting this part of my adventure in Asia! I have waited for decades to be able to travel here and explore the region. As a child, I lived in Indonesia for a period of three years and to be honest, donโ€™t have the best memories. Because of this, I have been a little apprehensive about this continent. Here are my first impressions of Da Nang Vietnam!

My First Impressions of Da Nang Vietnam
Da Nang Vietnam


Wow, the people have been so friendly to me! I have travelled to parts of the world where the people have been very warm but here is on another level. I have only experienced the airport, a hotel and walking the streets briefly, but for the most part I have been greeted with smiles and courtesy beyond the usual.


I knew this coming into Asia, there would be chaos, especially in the bigger cities. And right from the get go in the Grab from the airport, there was honking and chaos everywhere I looked. But not in a bad way, just different than what I am used to.


The air is thick, and this is the time of year when its at the coolest and least thick! As the year progresses, the humidity and heat with both be rising so perhaps this is a good slow introduction. ๐Ÿ˜‚

The cute thing is, the locals keep telling me to put on a jacket or sweater but Iโ€™m already sweating in a T-shirt and jeans.


I have seen the sun for one brief moment so far. Otherwise, it has been drizzling and rain every hour of every day. This is the tail end of rainy season I suppose, so not out of the norm, just not what I expected.

The beach at mid morning in Da Nang Vietnam

However, be careful for what you wish for Carol, for the brief moment the sun came out so say โ€˜hiโ€™, it was scorching. ๐Ÿคฃ God, Iโ€™m such a Canadian, always complaining about the weather! Just commentingโ€ฆnot complaining from this travel girl.


Dodging the traffic, I should say. There is a lot, and it is a fair mix of motorbikes and vehicles. I always use a crosswalk, however most donโ€™t have a walking man signal. I was at a large intersection yesterday that did have a walking man. When he turned green, the cars kept coming and didnโ€™t stop. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ Myself and a fellow pedestrian lady, had to run and dodge just like we would have at an uncontrolled intersection.

I hope you enjoy the lightheartedness at which these comments are made. For they are meant in a fun and teasing sort of way, not in a complaining and dour sort. I cannot wait to explore this city and country further. What a great start!

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