Having spent just about two weeks in Tivat last year, I thought Budva would be very similar. I have been surprised to see that it is quite different. This is the most visited city in the small country. I’ve come at the height of tourist season which will undoubtedly reflect my views. My first impressions of Budva Montenegro are thus.

There is a lot of garbage laying about. Communal garbage cans both large and small are overflowing. The small green spaces around town are littered with wrappers. My Airbnb building that consists of five large towers is strewn with popsicle and candy plastic. Water bottles and beer cans lay by the sidewalks. I’m surprised to see this.

The entire city seems to be made of apartment complexes. There are very few single family dwellings and the quite streets that these might offer. Most streets here are lined with large and unpleasant looking utilitarian residential buildings. Whilst in Tivat, I was able to wander down quaint streets and view people’s gardens and pretty fences, here I find none of that.

New Construction
Lots of it, especially down near the beach front. Huge residential buildings being erected and effectively blocking all views behind them. The city feels like its in the midst of a transformation.

Slovenska Plaza
The main city beach, it a miniature version of Sunny Beach in Bulgaria. Tacky tourist carnival like games and rides line the esplanade. The beach itself is mostly clubs with small slivers of pebbly beach front for the public to use. Again, there is lots of garbage, its really hard to see this beautiful piece of coastline look like this.

Old Town
Utterly charming and very small. Come early in the morning for the best moments to explore this little historical haven. I have noticed some ancient roman ruins and cannot wait to see what else I might find in these narrow stone streets.

Not the best first impressions I’m afraid. I think because I was expecting it to be somewhat similar to Tivat, I’m a little disappointed to be honest. I’m excited to get out each day, hike the mountains and explore more of the extended coast line around the city. Perhaps the best parts of Budva are outlying areas.