Wow, I cannot believe I have been on the go for six months already. While the time hasn’t gone fast per say, it feels like maybe 4 months have gone by. My 6 month travel anniversary is today and I though I would jot down a few thoughts.

My Pace
I feel like I have set a good pace for this adventure. Staying in places longer than just a few days or a week has given me time to explore in depth. It has also allowed me to settle in and call each place home. I have fully unpacked upon arrival each time, and doing that, creates a sense of belonging.

Even the countries where I only stayed for two weeks, felt a little short. Going forward I will probably try to extend each destination to at least a month if not more. Saying that, there are sound reasons for me, not to stay to long in some places.
Rome was one destination that was only two weeks and that was purely a financial decision. It is just so expensive to visit that amazing city.

Malta was another destination that was only two weeks. I initially booked that length because I wasn’t sure there would be enough to interest me for longer. Was I ever wrong about that! I will definitely be returning to Malta.

My Safety
Overall, it has been excellent being on the road. I had those two incidences in Puerto Vallarta which were not pleasant. I did have an incident in Rome but it was not significant enough for its own blog post.
I was followed one day, leaving a market. After walking a few blocks and not being able to shake the stalker, I went into a store and waited until I could no longer see him.
He actually stopped at the door to the store, looked around inside until he spotted me. I stared back at him, not moving, just staring. He turned tail and left. I walked away from the neighbourhood without further issue. It was a good reminder once again, to always be aware of your surroundings.
My Expenses
My two biggest expenses are accommodation and transportation. Being a budget traveller, I have kept those costs as low as I comfortably can. I could go lower on the lodging side, but at this point, I am not willing to forgo my top priorities for accommodation. Comfort and safety outweigh dollars.

Other than food, I really have no other expenses. Food costs for me are really affordable. I enjoy purchasing local ingredients and making meals in my flat. I buy almost all of my food at markets, grocery stores and little bakers or stalls. I keep costs low by not eating out more than once per week. Would I like to dine out more often? You bet. But if I can travel for a longer period of time by not eating out, then I choose that instead.
My Happiness
I can say without any hesitation, this was the best decision I have made for myself in decades. I am living the proverbial dream! I know and realize how incredibly lucky I am every single day. I am living my life for me now.

For so many years, I put my life on hold, and I wouldn’t change that for anything. It allowed me time and focus to raise three amazing human beings. They are the coolest people I know.
But now this time is for me. And I am happy. I am free. I wouldn’t trade these days, moments and months for anything. Being able to say ‘I am happy’ is a HUGE statement for me. It makes me feel uncomfortable to even express that.

I am so proud of myself for achieving this.
Happy 6th Month Anniversary Madre