The busiest beach in Sayulita is South Beach, closest to downtown and packed full of beach bars, clubs, noise, people and of course surfers. I am lovin’ north beach in Sayulita for the exact opposite reasons. 🙂

North Beach
This stretch of beach will start where the river empties into the ocean and end at a large rocky outcrop at its most northern point. To walk to the end and back is about one kilometre, so a nice little jaunt.

The sand is a light camel brown, not super soft however there are areas where it becomes finer. For me and my tender tootsies, I struggle to walk barefoot the entire way but see multiple people doing so without any difficulties.
Walking towards the rocks at the north end is so picturesque with its rugged beauty. The mist sitting on top of the breaking waves in the distance softens the horizon and gives it a sleepy appearance. The beach is quite wide to start and becomes more narrow are you near the end.

This stretch of coastline is remarkably free of litter. The affluent homes and small boutique hotels hugging the sand are non obtrusive and exceptional with keeping the beach in front clean.

There are few public access points down onto the beach and not nearly the number of people as closer to town. You will really feel like you can relax and enjoy a day at the beach in relative peace and quiet. This is a great beach to bring your family, a few blankets and a bag full of snacks and bevvies.
I did however see a brand new hotel completing construction and slated to open in the summer of 2023 which will certainly impact the number of visitors on this piece of sand.

The Ocean
The water is a vivid blue green and certainly not warm but not unpleasantly cold. Besides the surfers I have not seen a single swimmer in the ocean on this stretch. If you are looking to swim or boogie board here I would investigate which area’s are safe to do so.

My walking always takes a back seat when I reach the patches of small pebbles which are good hunting grounds for beautiful beach glass and shells. I find quite a bit of glass on a daily basis here.
Right at the very end is the large rocky outcropping where people have built small stone cairns. I have read that you can go past this point on foot when the tide is out and head over to the next beach. At the time of writing, I have not been able to cross over here.

If you are a beach lover like myself, don’t be dismayed when you first step onto the beach in town. South beach serves a purpose and is a super fun place to hang out, eat and people watch. If you are seeking a little solitude or a break from the crush, there is an amazing stretch just to your right where you can walk in peace and enjoy nature in it’s glory!