I have travelled a lot during my life. Most recently, I have been on the road for more than a year and a half. Spent the last five months in Asia. Never have I ever experienced bugs like I have here. Lets talk about the bugs and insects in Bali that seem out of control. Most of these photo’s are abysmal, taken in a state of heightened anxiety. My apologies.

Lets Talk About the Bugs and Insects in Bali
Bugs and Insects in Bali

Brief History

When I was a child, perhaps six years old, my family came to Bali for a holiday. My mom had warned me that the bugs here like to live and make a nest under naughty girlsโ€™ hair.

No joke, I remember walking along a street, the shop windows to my right. I was trailing the other family members. At one point, feeling something, I reached into my hair at the back of my neck and pulled forth a huge black beetle. I remember chucking it at the store window, hearing the crack as it hit, and being overwhelmed by feelings of complete terror. I can still see that blurry blackness in the palm of my hand.

I do not like bugs. More specifically, I do not like bugs in my living environment or on me. As long as they stay outside? I am fine. Once across the threshold though, and I begin an internal panic that does not abate.

Bugs Inside

I have stayed in five different places on this extended trip to Bali. These have ranged from 9 days to 2 weeks each. In every single one, there have been multiple instances where bugs, large, small, flying, crawling, jumping or slithering, have not only entered the room but been in the bed with me on a nightly basis. This might not bother some, but for me? Its traumatizing.


My tolerance has been pushed to its utter limits here. Its one thing to have a few ants crawling around like in other Asian countries. Its another thing entirely to have a bed full! And no, I did not eat in the bed, there was no food in the bed nor any in the room that was not tightly sealed or in the fridge. A side mention for the rodent droppings that showed up in three of the five places as well. ๐Ÿ€


Really big buggars, under beds, in the bathtub, crawling up curtains. The size of my finger, absolutely terrifying. ๐Ÿชณ


Google โ€˜Bali termitesโ€™ I dare you. In two places I stayed, I had termite infestations. In one place in Ubud, they had eaten out the side of a cabinet beside the bed. The pile of their shit on the floor, evidence of their destruction. ๐Ÿชฐ

In another place in Canggu, they were living in the large mirror being used as a headboard above the bed. Every time this was bumped, termite shit would rain down on the pillows and bed. The last evening, after turning out the lights, my daughter and I began swatting at what we though were mosquitoes. When they would not go away, we turned on the lights and saw the termites had come out of the mirror and were flying around our heads in the bed.

We ended up using a spray called Baygon for the flying termites, by dousing the area above our heads. Split moment decision to breath toxic fumes all night or deal with these termites flying in our faces as we slept. ๐Ÿ˜ฃ


A given, they are everywhere, and absolutely relentless if you leave even a drop of spilled juice or a single crumb. In Canggu the ants were so bad, I was picking them off my face each morning when I awoke. On the third day the maintenance man provided a can of Baygon bug spray, that we used somewhat successfully each night by spraying around the base of the bed. ๐Ÿœ


In all locations, at least three varieties. One loves the sinks and possibly lives in the drains. Another, the mid-sized variety, has a dark brown body and yellow legs. He is fast and will climb and be everywhere.


Thousands. They laugh in the face of repellent. I sprayed at least three times per day. Morning, evening and right before bed and was continually bitten during my stay. Always in the back of your mind here, is the risk of catching Dengue fever which is prevalent and on the rise. ๐ŸฆŸ


Never in my life have I seen snails as large as the ones here. In Canggu they came right into the shower and made their way over to the sink. ๐ŸŒ

Outdoor Bugs

Like I wrote above, I am fine with the insects living outdoors, it is there home after all. Here are a few that I had pleasant interactions with, admiring their beauty but being cautious of them all the same. The large black bee is the size of a big toe, the praying mantis the size of your finger.

Butterflies abound and are so pretty to watch flitting from flower to flower, or plying their mate with a fancy dance.

I have had an unpleasant visit to Bali and will probably never return. Not only has the over-tourism destroyed much of the authentic culture, buildings and sacred spaces, but the bugs are relentless. Here in Bali, I have experienced being hit by a motorcycle, seeing a fire burn down a neighbouring building, a 5.2 earthquake, a near dead male being jostled down the street in search of medical care, a massive & chaotic cremation ceremony, but the bugs are the icing on the cake. Iโ€™m just not strong enough for Bali.

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