Being one of the most religious days of the year for a Catholic, I thought it would be interesting to visit St. Lawrence’s Church on my walk this morning. It’s Good Friday in Birgu, well everywhere in fact, and probably one of the most important days of the year for a Christian.

It's Good Friday in Birgu
Yes these are real items that will be carried around the streets of Birgu tonight.

St. Lawrence’s Catholic Church

St. Lawrence’s Church is one of the oldest in Malta. It was built between 1681 and 1697 and was built in the Roman Baroque style.

In my research about what might take place this weekend, being Easter, I discovered that most neighbourhoods in Malta will be having a large procession tonight. Some are very humble and others extremely grandiose. Last Friday evening, there was a procession that consisted of the clergy and one statue. Tonight will include all clergy, all statues, and hundreds of local citizens.

St. Lawrence Church is quite a size and as expected, will have a rather ornate procession. I had visited the church last week. Today I noticed several important changes.

Work being done last week to get the statues dressed and ready for tonight.

Firstly, all the walls have been covered in black cloth. Yes, the entire interior of the church has been transformed into darkness. It is a stunning difference.

Secondly, all of the relics, old and new have been brought forth from the cellars and storage places, and are set around the church, ready for the procession tonight. The only things in the photographs below that won’t be transported from the church tonight, are the paintings on the walls and the altars.

The Procession

The procession will be made up of hundreds of towns folk, dressed up in anything from a humble robe to a knights costume. Everything they carry is on display in the church from midnight last night through the day today. Everything.

These processions are so grand, it takes hours for the people and their possessions to leave the church. All of the large and incredibly heavy statues will also be carried out. The procession usually goes around several blocks at a very slow pace, and back into the church hours later.

To say this is an unmissable sight, is an understatement. I will not be attending the procession in Birgu, I am staying true to my own neighbourhood and will attend the one here. It will be much more quaint, but I have fallen in love with my sweet neighbourhood, and want to partake of this special moment with them.

Where ever you may be this weekend, Happy Easter.

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