
If you have ever had the pleasure of hearing Latin fans cheer for a football game, you are lucky. Sitting on my terrace, and hearing loud chanting, singing and dogs braying, I knew it could only have been Messi who scored and probably spectacularly.

Earlier this morning I walked thru the colonias, and in every food place that had a television, the seats were full of fans glued to the screen. Kicking back on a Sunday morning, drinking cerveza at 11am and enjoying the FIFA cup was their plan for the day.

Every time there was a goal, the eruption of cheer was just magical to behold. Mostly men, old and young, enjoying something together that they are so feverishly passionate about, is such a pleasure to witness. And the singing that follows! I can’t understand a word of it but it warms my heart to hear. Its that commonality, something that brings people together that is so special. And for most of the world, that thing is football.

I have only one photograph to share this day. Its a packet of crisps that I purchased last week at the store. They were delicious!

Bravo Argentina!!

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