Part Uno – The Colourful Homes

Having walked around the beach part of Puerto Morelos quite extensively now, one can’t help but admire the colourful houses. Luckily this town is still quaint, there aren’t many hotels or bigger condo buildings. Most of the structures are low rise and not much taller than the palm trees surrounding them. The houses range from the humble concrete block single room home, to the large three story, multi terraced dwellings. Both ends of the spectrum are beautiful and charming in their own rights.

These homes are predominately constructed of concrete cinder blocks with plaster coating. The rooves (spell check tells me this is incorrect but its the spelling in know), seem to be either terra cotta tiles or metal sheeting. There are any number of concrete decorative items added to the exterior fencing and terrace railings. Yet another layer of detailing comes in the form of the window bars and screens. All of these pieces lends to an array of quirky, bright and cheerful homes.

Each time I pass by on a walk-a-bout, I notice something I didn’t see the day before. Many homes have whimsical detailing, it might be a mail box, a set of tiles, or something inset into the plaster. Next time you have the opportunity to visit this peaceful little oasis, have a walk around and admire the architecture.

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