The city of Plovdiv was built in an area encompassing 6 large hills. Today my morning walk took me to Bunardzhik Hill, the second tallest in the city. I decided hiking to the soviet soldier was the perfect workout for the day.

Hiking to the Soviet Soldier

Bunardzhik Park

I entered the park off a main road. It was only a short walk from my flat. Bunardzhik or Liberators Hill can be as much of a workout as you wish. There are several types of paths and trails and the choice to take which ever route to the top was mine.

Never having been to this area before, I was engrossed by all of the natural beauty surrounding me. The park is beautiful, fairly clean, and full of trees freshly in leaf.

The Trails

Closer to the bottom of the hill is a wide paved path with a bicycle lane and walkway lined with benches. Perfect for sitting to cool off in the shade or enjoy an ice-cream.

If you want a fairly gentle climb up to the top, there are a series of beautiful wide cobblestone paths that switch back and forth making their way upwards through the trees.

Looking for a more strenuous workout? All through the trees are narrow paths with rough stairs built into the hillside that connect the cobblestones paths vertically. Taking these, you can reach the top by literally going straight up.

The Statue

Your reward at the summit is not only the incredible 360-degree view of Plovdiv, but of the soviet soldier in all his glory. Alyosha was built in 1957. He stands 36 feet tall upon a pedestal that is 20 feet high. He is not so much a friend of the city anymore however, and is frowned upon by many.

This was my first time seeing Alyosha up close and I have to say his presence is somewhat intimidating. He is a huge reminder of years gone by that were not so pleasant for the people of Plovdiv. Everywhere I have walked in town, I can see him looming over.

But stand he does, fully armed and domineering.

I was looking for a good workout today and that is what I got. I will return to Bunardzhik Hill regularly. The park is lovely, inviting, has a restaurant, an outdoor theatre, an outdoor workout station and provides a safe place to exercise.

Hill number one…check. ☺️

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