Needing to escape the confines of the city, I looked at my map to see where I could hike to that would get me into nature. Finding two options, I did both of these small expeditions on different days, in the early morning hours. Hiking into the Budva countryside offers amazing views of the bay.

Church Hike on Krapina
The first time I left the city on foot was to explore the Krapina mountainside that has two old stone church’s part way up. Getting out of the city is easy, its simply walking upwards behind all of the urban areas and following a road that will take you away.

This country walk turned out to be a very peaceful and beautiful one. The vegetation is dry at this time of year, virtually no wild flowers, but lots of grasses swaying in the breeze. A farmer’s field with horses offered a pastoral sight right out of a story book.

Old abandoned stone houses were scattered amongst the landscape, affording pretty photos and feelings of simple times long past. One abandoned structure caught my eye in particular. Located right at the edge of the road, its foundation differed from the houses. I though this might have been an old fortress or church. Locals have been using this space to relax and watch the sunset, the view must be magnificent at that time of day.

Sv. Jovan & Nikola
The two little churches are tucked in together, almost side by side and surrounded by their respective graveyards. No one was about the day I was here, so I could explore at my leisure and not disturb anyone.

Such a peaceful place, well kept and feelings of serenity and blissful silence envelope this space. Both churches were closed, as I have found to be a common occurrence everywhere in the Balkans.

At this point in the hike, the temperatures were really starting to heat up. I had applied insect repellent before I left, but never thought to douse my entire body, just my exposed skin on arms and legs. Turns out, these mossies are savages and I was being bitten through my soaked shirt all over my torso. This had me turning around and heading back to the city.
Aquapark & Top Hill Hike
Another time I left the city and headed up the hillside, took me to an abandoned water park and the night club, Top Hill. Both of these are side by side. The night club looks like it is still functioning and had a guard somewhere on the premises. I was unbothered as I walked around the took photographs.

The aquapark is massive! I couldn’t get over the size of it and the number of slides and pools. Gates are locked and no one is around this place.

The road up here has no shoulder in places so it was a little hazardous when vehicles were flying by. The corners are particularly worrisome, as drivers cross the line and crowd each other out. I could see so much debris from car crashes along these roads. The retaining walls are painted with advertising, but other than that, there is no colour or beauty to be found here.

Except for the views of course. Find a safe spot, and turn around to see the city of Budva and down into the bay. On a clear day these landscapes would be even more amazing.

This road is the old route to Tivat. When the new route becomes too congested, local drivers know to take this route, however longer, you are not stuck at a standstill in hot summer traffic.

Budva has not offered the hiking experiences I was hoping for. These two small adventures were the best I could muster in this area. They did get me out of the city though, which was the purpose, and I was able to spend valuable time in nature. If you are looking for an escape for a few hours, hiking to those sweet little churches might just be the answer.