This is my second New Year celebration after leaving Canada on this travel adventure. I’m not one to celebrate this day really, any more than a regular day. It does however create a reflective mindset and I use this to practice gratitude. Happy New Year 2024.

Happy New Year 2024
Happy New Year from Venus Beach


When I feel myself getting wound up and wounded from things I cannot control, I like to pause and think of five things I am grateful for. I find this helpful in changing my perspective in that moment, and also remembering just how lucky I am. 😊


I would not be able to participate in this marvellous part of my life if it were not for my health. I try not to take my health for granted. I work relatively hard on keeping active and fit, eating healthy and staying productive. My legs are my greatest asset, and not because of their physical features, but because they transport me around this big beautiful globe which in turn, fills my eyes with wonder.


Not internally, but bravery. This leap into the unknown was a really scary thing for me to undertake. Making the decision and then acting on it took months and months of hard work. But I kept putting one foot in front of the other, and I made it to the airport.

Going against societal pressures to act and do certain things at my age, was well, difficult. There are many nay sayers in this world, but I have learned to put myself first. It takes guts to travel, especially solo, and more especially as a solo female.


Oh my hearts. You are always on my mind, every single day. I am so proud to be your momma and madre and so very proud of you. At times you will struggle and at times you will thrive. Know that I am always here for you, no matter what. Period. I have your backs; I will always be here to catch you.


Without sunshine, I flail. You can see from this travel blog, I will always be chasing the sun. It gives me energy, brings me happiness and helps to keep my head above water. I am so very grateful for everyday I look outside and see the big blue sky, light and bright.


How lucky am I that I have the opportunity to chose how to live through this part of my life? Yes, I have worked hard to be where I am, but its more than that. I have freedom, I have the basic ability to make choices. Even though I have relatively little compared to western standards and have been ashamed most of my life with how little income I earned, I know how privileged I am.

I wasn’t sure when I left Canada how long I would be away. I was careful not to create any preconceived notions about this adventure. So far I’m bumping along, doing my best, seeing things I thought would only be in dreams. I’ve had good times and bad, scary and fun, and overall lyfe abroad has been pretty darn amazing. Here’s looking forward to another year. Cheers!

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