Easter Sunday is a day of huge celebrations here in Malta, for it is the resurrection of Jesus today. The church bells have been ringing for hours! Fire crackers have been booming, people have been throwing confetti and candy from their windows as processions pass by on the streets below. Happy Easter from Malta!

Happy Easter from Malta!

The Easter Treats

I was super curious to see what the kids were given here on Easter, well not just kids but what adults enjoyed too. Turns out, most children had a large commercial egg wrapped in foil and filled with smaller chocolates. Not the most popular items back home, but I have definitely seen them in the stores.

A more traditional treat here that I have seen in shops since the day of my arrival, is a really heavy thick cookie type thing, Figolli, with icing and usually a chocolate foiled egg at the centre. They are really charming. I was not expecting the weight of it when I picked it up though, brick-like it is!

There are various other treats surrounding Easter. I purchased a few from a store on Saturday when I was visiting Rabat and Mdina. Many are cookie like items with either figs, dates or almonds in or on them. I wanted to try the classic Figolli from a bakery rather than a prepackaged one.

The one I bought was large and consisted of two dense citrus flavoured biscuits with an almond paste sandwiched in the middle. With a cup of tea, it is quite nice!

A Joyous Procession Today

The procession through town this morning was full of unadulterated joy. People were dressed in their Easter best. Children were carrying their Easter treats up the streets. Church bells were ringing and the band was playing lively tunes.

As soon as the statue of Risen Christ was brought up the hill and rounded the corner, a loud round of applause burst forth. Suddenly, everyone had a beer in their hand at 10am! Surely they must have had these in their pockets waiting for the moment to arrive. ๐Ÿ˜‚

The kids all gathered around the clergy, who blessed their candy and handed them all a small lamb shaped Figolli. The entire procession was so full of joy and happiness, it was absolutely wonderful to experience.

My time in Malta has been full, full of warmth, interesting happenings and magic.

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