Looking to keep up your exercise regime while travelling or on holiday? You are in luck. There are many options of gyms & areas to work out in Puerto Morelos.
For a fairly small town, there are a surprising number of gyms here. If you are looking for a place to workout, you will have choices. Most are located in the colonias up at highway 307. There are two on the beach side of the highway in the Pescadores neighbourhood and many more on La Colonias side. The gyms are old school, very 80’s and utilitarian. Get in and get the job done atmosphere, awesome. Below is pictured The Rock Be Fit on Calle Chaca, a perfect example of the gyms here.

If you happen to be staying down at the beach, there is a corridor that connects the beach town to the colonias. It is a straight 3K stretch of road with good sidewalks on either side. Perfect for a warm up run, do your workout and walk back or hop on the local colectivo bus for $10 Peso (.70 cents) to return to the beach.

Straight 3 kilometre corridor connecting the beach to the colonias in Puerto Morelos.
Fitness Parks & Fields
I was also surprised at the number of parks here in the colonias. Every couple of blocks there is a park, heavily treed to provide shade, that has a walking path and outdoor exercise equipment. One such park is Parque Villas Morelos I. It encompasses an entire block on Propela. Below are some pictures, this is a fairly standard layout. I see peeps at these parks in the mornings, sometimes they have brought their own equipment to augment their workouts.

Stadiums & Sports Plexes
There are also two larger stadium type sports complexes. One on either side of highway 307. They both have a regulation sized football field with concrete stadium stands. Great places to kick around a ball with the family. The larger complex on Ave. Zetina Gasca called Deportiva Isaac Hamui also contains basket ball courts and a running track around the perimeter. Deeper inside the park you will find an elevated stage with zumba classes every morning, a snack bar and an area of outdoor fitness equipment.

There are absolutely no shortage of places to get in your workouts while visiting Puerto Morelos. From beach runs to gyms to a game of footie, you will be pleasantly surprised with what you can do to keep busy and fit in this fun little town.
Adios amigos!