Being this close to Africa, it is a terrific opportunity to hop on a ferry and take an excursion. For me the price is too steep for a day trip, so I choose to visit for a couple of days. Here is a step-by-step guide for the FRS ferry from Tarifa to Tangier.

Once you have decided to take the ferry, the first step is securing the tickets. The option to pre-book online is available, however you will have to print out your confirmation and join the queue at the ticket counter on the day of travel to procure your actual ticket.

I chose to rock up to the counter one hour before my ferry was due to depart and purchase my ticket in person. The cost is €70 (or $107 CAD) return for one adult. This gives you an open-ended ticket for your return with no specific date and time. I really like this idea; it gave me freedom in case I decided I wanted to leave early or extend the planned trip by a few days.
Day of Departure
It is recommended by FRS Ferry that you arrive 90 minutes before your departure time. Nothing wrong with arriving this early, there is a small waiting room with minimal seating and a café inside the terminal here in Tarifa.
Once you have your actual ticket and the blank customs form, I would advise you to now go and join the line for the ‘Boarding Control’. Until you get onto the ship, there is a reason why it is advantageous to be in the front of each of these lines, and there are many.

While waiting, fill out the immigration form, you will need this completed for the Moroccan Immigration officer on the ferry itself.
Leaving Spain
Prior to boarding your ship, you will be going through Spanish boarder control and getting your passport stamped for leaving the EU. At this time, you also pass through security, much like you would at the airport.

Once through this stage, you might be tempted to take a seat in the waiting room, I would however go and join the line for your departure gate. There were only two operational when I went, we used the door to the right, if you are facing the ferry.
On Board
When the terminal doors open, approximately ½ hour before departure, you will simply walk outside, in a line to the ferry, and board through the vehicle door. There are racks down at this level to leave your suitcases and any other large belongings.

Climb the narrow staircase up to the passenger deck and immediately go and join the queue for the Moroccan Immigration. This is located to the left of the cafeteria at the front of the ship. If you have additional travel companions, the rest of your party can go and find seats, however you will all need to present your passports to the officials when its your turn.

The Journey
Once your passport has been stamped to enter Morocco, you are now free to enjoy your one-hour ride. If you were unlucky and have not gotten into the line for immigration quickly enough, I’m afraid you might be standing in this line for most of the remainder of the trip.

Enjoy the cafeteria and duty-free shop. There is a tiny outdoor space for smokers, and it is the only chance to be outside to watch the arrival of Tangiers and Africa come into view.
My journey was not on a particularly windy day. However, at the half way mark, when the ferry turned towards the African coast, the boat became very rocky. So much so that an announcement was made, directing passengers to remain in your seat and vomit bags were doled out.
Arriving into Tangier
When its time to leave, all of the people on board, are going to be heading down that same staircase you came up on. This is where you will be disembarking the ferry. It is a sardine can of people in this rear area. If you want to be first off, join this queue about 5 minutes prior to docking.
Once you leave the ferry via the vehicle deck, your passport will be looked at by an official at the ramp. You will then proceed into the terminal, have your passport inspected again and go through security for the final time.

Past this point, you have made it! Take the large escalator down one floor and walk out in the beautiful port of Tangier.
I explored the city for days, having no SIM card and using WIFI only. From the port I walked directly towards the Old City walls, and up, up, up. I was surprised at how hilly the old town is. My goal that first day was to explore the Kasbah fully. At 2pm I planned to find my hotel and then take on the ancient Medina. What ever your plans, you have made it to Tangiers, Morocco, happy travels!