One of my absolute favourite things to do in any city I feel safe in, is to explore with abandon. There is nothing quite like stumbling around and never knowing what you are going to see around the next corner! Come get lost with me in the streets of Salerno, more specifically in the old town.

Get Lost with Me in the Streets of Salerno
Looking down one of the pretty streets of Salerno

Centro Storico Streets

The oldest part of Salerno is called Centro Storico or old town. Here the streets are incredibly narrow, barely wide enough for vehicles to fit through.

Beautiful narrow streets of Salerno
Getting lost in Salerno
Love these old signs
The people of Salerno
He is just napping 🤣
Massive archway & gate

The buildings are 4 to 6 stores high, creating a small window of sunlight that will actually penetrate these streets at mid day.

Wandering around here, up and down these ancient cobblestone roads, is nothing short of enchanting. Seeing the locals who live in this area is also a delight. Watching them going about their daily business is a way I learn so much about a new area.


And for added fun, lets wander into these dark tiny alleys too. We will keep our wits about us, which is smart no matter where you find yourself in a city.

Most of the narrow streets are connected throughout each ‘block’ by these alleys, typically with an archway overhead. These can be very dark and a bit spooky, sometimes smelly and grungy.

Usually when I am entering one, I will have my camera recording out front ahead of me. I just feel safer doing that, not sure why.

Other Hoods

Outside of Centro Storico and into the newer neighbourhoods, we will explore and find treasures too.

One of many pedestrian only streets of Salerno

Just up the street from my favourite bakery, I unexpectedly found the ancient Roman aqueducts! How cool is that! These have been around for two thousand years and vehicles travel under and around them today.

I was surprised how many streets in Salerno are pedestrian only. These wide thoroughfares are lined with cafés and restaurants, boutique shops and luxury brand stores.

Pedestrian only street
Pedestrian only
Pedestrian only
Cutest cafe along this strip
Beautiful wide people only street


Wandering down an offshoot of one of these streets, I found a beautiful grocery store called Sole365. I was charmed by the massive amount of pasta and tomato sauce in the isles (of course, duh), and the prepared raw vegetables on offer. I could visit grocery stores in every place I visit, it never gets old.

The meat case was full of tantalizing prepared cuts of beef and pork, ready to be cooked and devoured. I really loved this store and came back a few times to purchase different things from them.

You just never know what you are going to find when you let yourself roam freely around a city. This is my absolute favourite way to explore any new destination. It goes without saying though, always be aware of your surroundings, never go into any space if your Spidey senses are alerting you otherwise.

Be safe my travel friends.

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