Yesterday, I wrote a lengthy part uno of my trip to the museum in Plovdiv, out near the Airport. In that post, you will find detailed instructions on how to get there if you have no access to a vehicle. Today, part dos, I’ll let you geek out at the Aviation Museum through my photographs. This post will cover the outdoor displays, the best part, the planes themselves!

The Museum is close to the Plovdiv Airport and right beside an Air Force Base. The external displays are actually butted up against the fence of the base on one side and its runway on another. There are three rows of planes and including helicopters, total 54 aircraft.

Many of the planes were used by the Bulgarian Air Force and made in the USSR, of which I know nothing about. My knowledge of aviation stems from commercial aviation. My ex-husband is a pilot, his brother is a pilot, his mom, dad and uncle all have their private licenses. I have been looking and hearing about planes for years. 🤣

Geeking Out
This post will mostly be a photo dump. I have no additional information to offer about these aircraft. I will say however, I was in my aviation geek out bliss. Walking around, being able to look in, touch and explore every single aircraft was incredible. These are not roped off, you have full access. The only rule is you don’t climb on them.

Military Aircraft
Below is a small sampling of what you will see. I have tried my best to identify each one, please forgive me if there are errors.

Non-military Aircraft
Again, just a small sampling of what is there to be seen.


At the back of the complex, is a single row with old military vehicles. These were really cool to see, but again, I have no additional information to offer, so will show you photographs.
Because the museum faces the runway for the Air Force base, you may be lucky and see some action. While I was there, two helicopters were in and out, and several air force planes were using the runway. What this added to my experience I cannot describe in words. The loudness, the smells, the heat of the day, it was all completely perfect.

If you love aviation, I highly recommend this museum. It was simply the coolest thing I have seen in Bulgaria thus far.