I’m finally leaving Asia; it’s been just over six months of exploring this part of the world for the first time since childhood. Facing a really long travel day, I decided to break it up. Today I’m flying Korean Air to Bangkok with a 36 hour layover before I proceed to Europe.

Departing Busan
I had to check out of my condo at 11am and not a minute later as I was informed by the host. My flight does not depart until 9pm, so to the airport I go, with lots of time to explore. I took an Uber Taxi, using the Uber app. The final price was 17,000 won or $17 CAD and the ride was comfortable and efficient.
Busan Airport PUS
Its actually the perfect size. Newer, bright, impeccably clean and enough amenities including free ones such as baggage scales and drinking water. You can walk outside in the sunshine too, for some pre-security exercise.

Because I was there so long, I had coffee and a fresh hot scone at Ediya Coffee before security, and two full meals after security. Prices are the most reasonable of any airport I have been, and there is a regular priced convenience store too! So pleasantly surprised. One meal was $16 for the pork and kimchi stew and the other was $10.

One thing that really was shocking at this airport, is the number of times I saw people leave their baggage completely unattended and simply walk off! No overhead announcements, that is the norm at other airports. I mean, purses, headphones, backpacks, all just left on seats. 🤯

When visitors shop in South Korea, you can keep your receipts and anything over 15,000 won, or $15 CAD, you can apply for partial tax refund on, called VAT. Keep receipts, and once you arrive at the airport, go to the kiosk before security, beside the ‘Info’ booth. Here you will scan your passport and all of the receipts. The system will either accept or reject them.

Once with process is finished, you may be asked to proceed to a customs official to show the actual products to. I was not asked to do this; the bulk of my refund was for the 2 facial treatments I had. However, just in case, I did make sure to process my VAT before I checked in my suitcase, just in case I was going to have to show the clothing and skin creams.
After security, you will now proceed to yet another counter, and this is where you will collect your money. It was very busy, so give yourself lots of time here. I simply motored up to the window, showed my passport and receipts again, and was asked which currency I wanted the funds returned in. US, Korean won or Japanese yen. And I was handed cash! Wahoo!!

Heading to Bangkok once again, this time on Korean Air, a 737-900. Beautiful newer aircraft that was clean, nice for a change. This flight was five hours and we were served one hot meal that was actually pretty bad. That’s okay, as long as I’m getting from A to B safely, no complaints, just observations.

Not nearly as bad as usual as I arrived very late, after 12 midnight. What a relief to not have to deal with those horrendous immigration lines.

I took a Grab to the hotel, which was the longest wait actually, a huge line of people waiting for their cars, no one wants to use the local taxi’s and get ripped off. It looks like Grab has actually contracted the local taxi’s, as most of the vehicles people were getting into where these.

I stayed at Suvarnabhumi Ville Airport Hotel which was within 6km of the terminal. I would not recommend staying here unless you are absolutely desperate and/or it is incredibly cheap. The room was filthy, broken gross furniture and bathroom. The bed was comfortable though, I must say.

The reason I made this 36-hour layover was so that I would have time to go out into the city and get some prescription medication that I need. I had priced it in Bali and it was going to be $125 CAD for 28 days worth. This was the highest I had seen it priced anywhere in the world, so did not purchase any. For reference, the cost in Canada is about $45/month and in Mexico $25.

I spent the middle of the day, walking from my hotel, up and down a major street, going into each pharmacy I could find that had decided to open its doors that day. One told me I could only get it from the hospital that was 25km away. Two said they didn’t carry it. I was so deflated after 3 hours of walking around in the humidity and heat, I headed back to the hotel to rest and cool down.

Suvarnabhumi Airport BKK
My next travel day has arrived, I’m at BKK airport once again. There is a Boots here with a pharmacy section, so I make one last ditch effort. And yes! They carry the medication; however, they want $150 for 28 days!!! No thanks, I’ll wait once again and try my luck in Europe.
Leaving Bangkok today, my last official day in Asia for the time being. I’m excited to go explore another part of the world. Asia has kicked my ass to be honest. I’m tired, burnt out, need fresh air that doesn’t’ feel like I’m living in a sauna. 🥵😂 Europe, here I come!