I like to take note of my first impressions of a place that is new to me. After a few weeks, or when I’m about to leave the destination, it is interesting to see how my ideas and thoughts have changed. I’ve been here just one full day so I will notate my first impressions of Split Croatia.

The Size
The city is sprawling. This was unexpected and ever apparent as the ride from the airport took 45 minutes. It is a large city for sure but with very few high-rises. The old town can clearly be seen as the roof tops alone give way from warm terracotta to concrete at the boundaries.

The Concrete
Outside of old town, the architecture is very concrete centric. Apartment complexes that are very utilitarian in appearance, surround the older more romantic feel of the old town. Of course, history has played its part but I wasn’t expecting the contrast to be this obvious. And not in a bad way but an interesting way.

The Greenery
Maybe it’s just the area I am in, but there are lovely big trees scattered throughout the streets. Parks of good size are around and regularly used. From children playing and having a party to the elderly sitting on the benches enjoying the feeling of spring sunshine on their faces. These spaces feel safe and loved.

Old Town
Oh it is utterly charming! I am absolutely intrigued and anxious to explore this area in depth. From the little time I have spent there thus far, it is a fascinating area seeped in history. There are beautiful restaurants and cafe’s down almost every ancient stone street and alley. Many of the streets are so narrow, it is not possible for vehicles to maneuver. The feeling of being in a maze is enchanting.

The People
I must learn more of the language. While I have encountered many people that speak enough English for me to be able to order food for example, I would love to be able to make a connection. There is a guarded presence but I can absolutely tell that the Croatian people are incredibly friendly and lovely beneath the shell. I must endeavour to fit in more so I can feel at home with them.

The Beauty
My location is fairly close to the seaside, a mere 10 minute walk. And it is gloriously beautiful down at the water! The Adriatic Sea water is clear and blue as can be. Near the old town is a large and very wide esplanade lined with restaurants, palm trees and benches. I can tell this will be a favourite area of mine, especially in the mornings, when it won’t be too crowded.

I am really excited to explore this city. Split looks incredibly interesting on so many levels. And the beauty surrounding me is so much more than I expected. I feel good here. I feel calm and alive. I’m not nervous or apprehensive. I think this is going to be a marvellous experience!