As I wander the streets in this little seaside town, I have to wonder at all of the animals I have seen here! What a delight to bump into these beautiful creatures and a surprise for me. Not just cats and dogs as per usual, but other more interesting beings. Finding animals at Kamala Beach in Phuket has been a treat.

Yes indeed, a large number of horses can be found residing in the town. In fact, as I wandered up a side road, that I only passed through on my last day, I noticed a ‘Cowboy Farm’! Many of the horses were out of their stalls, roaming around in a barren and small pasture.

I was surprised to see that a few were not tethered at all, but allowed to wander at their own will. Two were having quite a quarrel, and were entertaining to watch, reminding me of siblings having a row. 😂

As I passed a second time that same day, a cheeky group was wandering up the street towards the main road, grazing from the ditches as they walked.

Dogs & Cats
Of course, I have to mention the furry friends I see most often. Well not too many dogs to be honest, but a few cats. Very rarely does a cat approach me here in Thailand, most will skitter away as soon as I pause and bend down to take a photo.

The dogs just look as worn out from the heat as I often feel, poor fellas, all except for this little guy. 🐕

Never have I been so close to this type of cattle before, I believe these are brahman cows? I see that type of beef in the grocery stores here.

These beautiful creatures were hanging by the side of the main road, at the north side of the beach. There is a large treed area offering them lots of shade and plenty of greenery to munch on. The ibis were having a grand time following them around for their poop, and smaller birds were alighting on their backs and necks for the bugs. Yum!

Beach Critters
The beach itself offers a wide variety of things to see. Lots of jelly fish, both huge and tiny as a pea, perhaps babies? I had read before arriving, that some swimmers were complaining about coming out from the ocean and being covered with itchy skin. Replies to their queries stated that the sea may be filled with baby jellyfish this time of year.

Kamala beach is covered with crab holes and towards the north end I can see many skittering about as I pass them by. One specific type, are these tiny little fellas’, no bigger than a toe nail. Pausing to watch them busy at work, turns out they are feeding. Shovelling sand into their mouths, they clean it of the micro-nutrients attached, and spit out these uniform little balls of spit covered sand! Best entertainment of my day!

I love animals so much, doesn’t matter what type or which kind. They hold endless fascination for me and when I can encounter one I haven’t seen or rarely see, it makes me happy and fills my heart. Such a simple girl am I. ☺️