I donโ€™t know what it is, perhaps its from only seeing Italy in movies as a child and young adult. But when I walk around town and see these vehicles, especially the older models, I am in rapture. I am such a girl when it comes to cars etc., I cannot provide any specific information. All I can do is show you photographs of the cutest Vespas & Fiats in Modica and hope that brings you joy.

Cutest Vespas & Fiats in Modica
Cutest Vespas & Fiats in Modica


As I slowly explore this beautiful Sicilian city, I see scooters all over the place. There are several varieties of course and I usually donโ€™t pay much attention to the newer models. What continually catches my eye though, and makes me emit an audible โ€œawwwwwโ€ are the cute older ones.

A pretty blue Vespa down at the beach in Marina di Modica

Of course, if there is a colour to them, I get even more excited. And if they have been loving kept in good nick, well, thatโ€™s the cream on the top of the cake.

But even the rusty old ones, the scrap metal ones with the busted seat and rotting bits, will usually still get a photograph. ๐Ÿคฃ


Before I came to Italy, I didnโ€™t even know what these little cars were called. All I knew was I loved them! Seeing them in person though, oh dear, they are the cutest things in the whole world!

Well, the old models are. I mean, when you are up beside one, in a jelly bean colour? There is nothing like it. They are so tiny! I always think I could just pick it up and put it in my suitcase. ๐Ÿ˜‚

One can rent these as a tourist attraction of sorts, I have even seen a tour group daily, of these little old Fiats driving through town.

Vespas & Fiats in Modica

My favourite though, is to see the locals who drive and are proud of their vehicles. When they catch me taking a photo, they usually give me a big grin. I love it.

One honourable mention

I came across this scooter the other day, A Lambretta Golden Special. I was stopped in my tracks. It is sooooo gorgeous, it looks like a little space ship scooter from The Jetsons. ๐Ÿคฃ Have a look at this beauty and tell me its not the cutest thing ever??!!

These vehicles are something that I get so much pleasure from when I see them in my daily travels around Italy. Here in Modica, I have been so fortunate to see them regularly and be able to admire them up close. I have noticed a Vespa Club here too. I pass their garage nearly every day. How I would love to see one of their gatherings one day.

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