I don’t know what it is, but visiting a bell tower and standing beside those amazing old and enormous bells is magical! I had no idea when I entered the Church of St. George, but climbing a baroque bell tower was the highlight of this church for me.

Duomo di San Giorgio
The most famous and photographed church in Modica, is arguably this one. Situated at the centre of the oldest part of the city, its bell tower soars above every other building around.

In the earthquake of 1693, the old church tumbled to the ground. In its steed, was built the new edition we see today, of the beautiful baroque style of the 18th & 19th centuries.
This duomo is large with a magnificent multi layered staircase in front that rises from three different streets below. I hope to write a post about the interior at a later date, but for today, we concentrate on the grand bell tower.

Bell Tower
It was only by chance that I looked over and saw a sign that informed me, that for €2.00 I could go and see the bells. SOLD! I paid my funds, and crossed the entrance to a tiny door that I completely missed the first time I entered the church.

I could hear people coming down, so I waited to let them pass. As soon as I entered the doorway, I was greeted with the most narrow and steep winding marble staircase. A central wooden pillar has been added for something to grasp as you climb this steep twirling column.

First Landing
About 2/3rds the way up, you come out at a small landing of sorts. The views here are lovely and at this point I was just above the surrounding rooftops. At first, I thought this was it. Then I turned and looked up, and saw another door!

The Tower
Up I went, this time onto a ladder, and climbed up right into the highest landing, nestled in amongst the bells themselves. I was the only person there. My breath was taken from my body. I was amazed and so overwhelmed by the excitement of seeing these beautiful old bronze bells up close.
When I have seen the bells from the ground, they look small of course. But right up beside them?? And I mean right beside, for they are not roped off, they are huge.

In fact, I could reach out and touch them!
The Views
There are about eight windows, and set within each is a bell of varying size. If you duck and walk to the wall, you have the most beautiful views of every angle of Modica. Between the wind rushing in your ears, the lofty heights and the stunning views, its no wonder I could not catch my breath!

The Bells
Looking upwards, I could see huge old wooden beams, the original structure that held these glorious bells. Most of the hardware seems original to my untrained eye. The only thing newer is the banger mechanism beside each bell that I believe is set to a timer.

In unison, when these bells ring, they are mesmerizing. In fact, with Modica being the town with 100 churches, at 8am, 12noon and 8pm, the entire city is alight with the ding and dong, cling and clang of bells from multiple churches. It is magic to my ears and always brings a smile to my face.

If you are in Modica, for any length of time, I highly encourage you to climb this beautiful baroque bell tower. It is a special experience indeed.