With today being December 20th, I thought it about time to share some photo’s of Christmas decorations. Christmas in the tropics, here in Puerto Morelos Mexico, has been a bit of an adjustment for me and the big day has not yet arrived. With all of the sunshine and heat, I’m finding it difficult to even remember that it is Christmas time. There is a church at the main square in the beach part of town. Inside they have a nativity scene set up almost in a greenhouse area to the right of the congregational pews. It is very sweet and traditional. If you stand there even for a moment you will probably see a gecko skitter across one of the characters. 🙂
Christmas Characters
Walking further afield, up and down the three main streets, you will come across various other Christmas characters. For a Canadian that is fresh from the cold and snowy north, I have to say that these decorations seem a little out of place. This is one of the things I love about travel. You come across scenarios that force your brain to reconfigure itself, and adapt to its new surroundings. Challenging hard and fast ideas about what or how something should be. Lets see what we can find in the photo bank from the last two weeks.

Spider-Man at Christmas?

The main square near the beach and also in the colonias has an enormous tree with an array of wrapped gifts at the base. At night, these are fully aglow and look glorious with all of the other decorative lights. There are many expats who live in this area, and its a haven for tourists, especially at this time of year. These decorations reflect that. I have been keeping a keen eye out for more Mexican decorations and have found some of those as well. The blog tomorrow will show case those, for they are so utterly charming.
On a somewhat related note. Yesterday when I paid for my avocado, plantain and stick of butter, the clerk at the til wished me a ‘Feliz Navidad’! I was so touched and thrilled. For this is something I do in Canada, starting a few days before the 25th, I wish everyone I come across, a ‘Merry Christmas’. My heart just about melted right then and there.