
On my walk this morning, after I had been to the beach, I went into Chedraui Select. This is the grocery store down at the beach town. There is a large Chedraui in the Colonias as well which offers a bigger selection of goods. I didn’t really need anything, I just wanted to cool down in the air conditioning and meander thru the store, seeing if there were any new and interesting products. Well, there were Christmas donuts, adorable Christmas donuts!

Elf & Santa Pants??


Okay lets talk donuts (doughnuts). I adore a good donut. If you ever have the opportunity to have a freshly made, simply glazed yeast donut, I beg you to try it. The sweet pillow of happiness should almost melt in your mouth when you eat it. They can be terribly messy so have a few napkins handy. Shards of crusty glaze will rain down your chest, but you wont even notice, your mind will be sailing across the clouds. Yes, they can be that good.

I have indeed tried donuts in Mexico before, several times in fact. Given it my best shot. So far, I have not been able to find what my brain and taste buds have labelled a perfect donut. There are many delicious Mexican baked goods, I can attest to that. Baking can be terribly difficult in a humid environment. So trying to replicate something familiar will rarely turn out the way you want. This doesn’t mean its bad, its just different. So for science, I continue to try the donuts in Mexico. Perhaps these colourful glistening treats in the bakery isle of Chedraui will be the one! (For science).

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