Well I would be remiss if I left this beautiful country without a post on the cats & other friendlies of Malta that I have come across in my two weeks here. I have to say, there has not been an abundance of animal life that I have encountered here. I’m feeling a bit forlorn about that.

Cats & Other Friendlies of Malta
Waiting for breakfast. 😊


Actually, there have not been that many! I have to say. I have not seen one single dog without an owner by its side and not a single one off leash. Most dogs have been on the smaller side. And ironically enough, not many Maltese! How can I be in Malta and not have seen a single Maltese? Odd.


My cat radar is always on full blast for possible encounters. Most cats, have all been within the confines of their balconies, doors, homes etc. I did visit a communal garden and saw a cat there and have also seen a few cats at various monuments or little neighbourhood parks. All look very healthy, have loads of food and water and for the most part are really timid.

Waited at the bus stop with me
In a park
In a park
Through a window
Protecting their car

Lizards – Filfola

I had a very fun encounter with a curious lizard on Gozo at Ggantija. He was so lovely. I have noticed quite a few lizards here, darting in and out of the limestone blocks as I walk by. They are super thin, like a snake and very long.


Horses have all been attached to carriages providing rides for paying tourists. They look very well taken care of and always garner a lot of attention as they pass by.


There are plenty of pigeons and they have been as entertaining as they always are. I have not been pooped on here, hallelujah! Other birds are wee little chubby things, I don’t know what they are called but are they ever sweet.

One day I took the ferry and a little fella was sitting on the railing in front of me, chirping away.

Look at that little fluffer!

I am soon to leave this beautiful country. I will return though. There is so much more for me to see and explore. I have come to the conclusion that I would thoroughly enjoy spending perhaps a few months next time. My appetite for all things Maltese has only been dampened. Maybe next time, I will have some close encounters of the furry kind.

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