Showing: 581 - 592 of 592 RESULTS
Blog Mexico Puerto Morelos

Houses of Puerto Morelos

Having walked around the beach part of Puerto Morelos quite extensively now, one can’t help but admire the colourful houses. Luckily this town is still quaint, there aren’t many hotels or bigger condo buildings. Most of the structures are low rise and not much taller than the palm trees surrounding them. The houses range from …

Blog Mexico Puerto Morelos

Tropical Christmas

So my brain is having a little difficulty with the juxtaposition of a tropical Christmas. I’m Canadian and am most familiar with the typical western Christmas. You know, the cold weather, soaring dark pine trees, snow covered ground and mugs of hot chocolate. Being absolutely bombarded everywhere you go with Christmas music and decorations, usually …

Blog Mexico Puerto Morelos

Simple Pleasures

Each morning when I return from my walk, I take a cup of coffee and a book out onto my terrace. This morning it occurred to me that this is one of life’s simple pleasures that is so integral to my well being. I am currently drinking a Mexican brand of coffee called Blason. The …


Practising the Act of Gratitude

I’ve been practising the act of gratitude for a while now. It helps me keep things in perspective. Many times personal issues can seem overwhelming. They grow to an insurmountable size and feel crushing. Practising gratitude helps me remember how lucky I am. That no matter what is going on in my life, I truly …


The Art of Living Slowly

One of my intentions on this new journey is to learn to live slowly. There is a time and a place to move through a situation or a period of life with haste. But now, for me, this is my time to re-learn what it means to really taste my food, to walk for pure …

Blog Mexico Puerto Morelos

Mexico My Happy Place

To start this journey, I have come to Mexico once again. Mexico is my happy place. I feel welcome here, embraced by warm sunshine, big bright blue skies, friendly people and a slower way of life. Slow enough to enjoy small details, slow enough to really taste your food, slow enough to listen to the …