One thing I am really enjoying about Plovdiv is the amount of green space and large open areas. Even right in the midst of the city, there are enormous spaces for people to enjoy. One such place is the beautiful Tsar Simeon’s Garden.

Brief History
Built in 1892, this large green public space is well loved and used by its people. Originally constructed as part of the very first Bulgarian Exhibition, today it is a peaceful oasis in the middle of the city.
I have walked through this park probably five times already, and every time I go through, I see another statue that I hadn’t seen the time before. There appear to be three genres’ if you will.
First are busts of historical male figures. These are littered throughout the entire park. None of the signs have a lick on English so I can’t tell you who these gents were.
Secondly are the stone modernistic looking pieces. Usually made of a white granite, they are simple, large and placed through every section of the park.

Thirdly are the bronze sculptures. These number the fewest and are a bit harder to spot given their camouflage with all of the dark green trees and shrubbery.

They are quite lovely and one in particular piques my interest. I would like to know the significance of this piece but I cannot find any information, being only an English speaker.

Several are scattered throughout the garden. The oldest was sculpted by an Italian and is of Demeter, the goddess of fertility. This fountain is the only remaining original piece from the construction of the park in 1892.

Yes, there are gorgeous flowers everywhere. Roses are particularly beautiful right now, as they are all in bloom. Big large blossoms of salmon, red and pinks mostly.

There are also beds of begonias and other annuals, artfully arranged in beautiful organic patterns.

This park is very well used and loved by the citizens of the city. There are benches lining just about every path and people are always sitting and enjoying this public space. It is so lovely to see many citizens outdoors, chatting, having a coffee, sharing their lives and being present with one another.
If you find yourself visiting this beautiful city, and feel the need to have a day at the park or perhaps a picnic, this would be a perfect space. Peaceful, full of big shade providing trees, quiet and clean, it truly is a treasure of Plovdiv.