I love flowers! They make me happy in such a basic and fundamental way. Coming from a cold climate I was only able to get natural eye flower candy for a few months of the year. But here I’m in luck for there are beautiful tropical flowers around Old Town of Puerto Vallarta at all times of the year!

Beautiful Tropical Flowers Around Old Town
Palm fruits with Bougainvillea

Flower Photography

I am attracted to flowers like a honey bee is to nectar. As a result, I end up accumulating so many photographs of these magnificent blossoms that it becomes difficult to decide which ones to showcase. I take just as much pleasure in the small meek flower as I do in the lavish entertainer. As with all of my photography, I do not edit in any way! I do not enhance colours, change backgrounds, add or subtract from the image. My wish is that the viewer witness exactly what I got to see.

Without further ado, here is a small sample of what I have discovered in the few short weeks I have been exploring this part of the city.


Ahh the reds, always so romantic, big and boisterous! The large African tulip tree is one that I photograph every time I come to the city, for it is absolutely amazing. These flowers are huge and stunning in person. This particular tree is right at the bridge going over the Rio Cuale connecting old town to Centro.


Orange is not one of my favourite flower colours but here they bloom in such profusion. The bird of paradise is just about the most quintessential tropical flower for me. It is growing here in Puerto Vallarta in profusion, from small blossom species to these large show off’s that were at the Saturday market recently.


I have to say I love pink flowers. This variegated bougainvillea with its delicate pink and white leaves and tiny white flowers at centre is so lovely and pretty. The deep fuchsia pink of the chenille plant is one that I cannot help touching every singe time I see it! Good thing it doesn’t sting.


White flowers are actually quite hard to find here in Puerto Vallarta. Most of the flowers are bright tropical colours so when I see a white flower I am almost taken aback. The white hibiscus is special for me though. This is the first of its kind that I have ever seen and photographed. It was absolutely beautiful, quite large with thin papery petals. I had to stay and admire it for quite a while and was so blessed when three Siamese cats joined me!

Interesting to note. I have now spent just about equal time on both coasts in Mexico this trip. I started on the Rivera Maya in Puerto Morelos before travelling to the West coast in Puerto Vallarta.

There were so many more tropical plants and flowers adorning houses, squares, parks and neighbourhoods over on the Caribbean side. I haven’t done any research into this yet. It could be a seasonal issue, climate differences, or perhaps being in a smaller town. In the city there is not a lot of space to have plants in front of your home, most front doors open right onto the sidewalk. However in the smaller town of Puerto Morelos, homes had little front yards, or terraces, places to put planters.

It will be interesting when I am back in PV in a months time, exploring an area that is new to me and not the tourist area. I’ll report back with my flora and fauna findings!

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