I have landed in a plant haven! From the first day I arrived, I noticed how much naturally occurring exotic fruits and flowers were surrounding me here in this seaside village in Montenegro. Beautiful flowers & plants around Tivat are what have been filling my camera roll every single day.

Beautiful Flowers & Plants Around Tivat
Exquisite white datura


It is August, the hottest and driest month of the year. Flowers are usually at their fewest during this time. But here in Tivat there are gorgeous blooms everywhere. Granted many of them are in city flower beds or the locals private gardens where they are receiving extra care and attention.

But still, I am surrounded by colourful beauty just about everywhere here.


The variety of palm trees here is absolutely lovely. Rising high beside the Adriatic shoreline, they give such a warm and inviting feeling to this port city.

Inside the largest city park is a botanical garden or sorts too. For more than one hundred of year, returning sailors were asked to bring back a plant species that was planted into the fertile soil of this park.

Many of the tags are in disrepair so I cannot tell what these specific species are. But wandering around this city park full of towering pine trees, many other plants enjoy a place in their shade.


I am astonished at the variety of edible fruits and plants here. All I keep imagining when enjoying my walk-a-bout towns, is how the ancient Greeks and Romans depict mosaics and frescoes of grapes, pomegranates, figs and the like because that is actually what they were surrounded with. It sounds naive but until you see these things with your very eyes, their bounty does not take root in your mind.

And indeed, it is a bounty! The profusion of figs, olives, grapes, apples, pomegranates, oranges, limes, and even kiwis is tremendous! I am utterly astonished at the amount of food available here, ripe for the picking.

Tivat and Montenegro truly are the Mediterranean of the Adriatic coast. The abundance of flora, from beautiful flowers to tall beautiful pine trees surrounds me where ever I go. Iโ€™m not sure what I was expecting the landscape to be, but I am overwhelmed by the natural lavishness of the area.

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