Regular readers will know how much I love flowers. I have been so lucky on this trip, to see all sorts of amazing plants in the vicinity. Perhaps because this is a relaxed environment, where people have the time to garden or the city chooses to beautify its surroundings. What ever the reason, the beautiful flowers of Nessebar Bulgaria have been filling my camera roll every single day.

By far, I would have to say, the largest type of flowers around Nessebar both old and new towns, has been geraniums. Being from Canada, I am used to the bright red, pink and salmon bulbous cluster heads of potted geraniums that fill our garden centres each spring.

But here, there are so many variations and they are absolutely gorgeous. Some are not tight clusters of flowers, but smaller heads that spread their petals like wings.

Geraniums are adorning window boxes and patio railings by the thousands. Their bright vivid colours liven up any area.

Of course, being Bulgaria, there will be roses. This time of year, is far past their prime in just about any location, but there are a few hanging on that are showing remarkable resilience and willingness to bloom.

Daisy Like Flowers
I am struck by the number of these types of flowers here. Perhaps because they are hardy, heat loving and drought resistant, but they make beautiful showpieces in the city gardens.

One thing is certain, the bumble bees absolutely love them!

With every single day being sunny and hot, it is no wonder the plant life thrives here. There are so many different varieties of flowers, it is lovely to see. When I encounter one I am unfamiliar with or see a unique display, it makes my day!
I cannot believe the amount of fruit here! And many of the species are in bloom as well, providing a glimpse at the flower that one day is going to offer up its sweetness.

The number of grapes around town is incredible! Multiples times, on every single block, I pass by grapes trellised over fences, above decks, around doorways, down driveways and climbing up buildings. They are everywhere!

And can you believe…. passion fruit’s and pomegranates! Real live pomegranates before my very eyes! How amazing & beautiful!
While in Plovdiv I marvelled at the amount of green space in that city. Just about every road with older homes is lined with huge shade trees. There are numerous parks and green spaces so many gorgeous flowers. Here in Nessebar, I have been blessed with similar surroundings. Lots of greenery, the wildness of the sand dunes, and flowers and fruit galore!