Little shits! I thought I had been extra careful with what food items I put in the cupboards but this box of local biscuits escaped my attention. The package inside the box was merely closed with a twist tie, and those little fellas found their way to the sugar load. So my cuppa and bikkies break this afternoon was thwarted because the ants are in my biscuits!!

Oh Well.

No matter where I travel or find myself, I am always trying to strike up a convo with most any non-human creature, big or small. When I can garner the critters undivided attention and actually feel like I have made a connection, well I am over the moon and enthralled.

So far this trip I have befriended the sweetest cross eyed cat (Nelly), a young dog that sits outside a gate (Mike) and an iguana that lounges by the edge of a pool (Sheila). I’m assuming that this iguana is a female as there is another large iguana that I see up on a wall close by, who I have dubbed ‘Big Bob’. I saw Sheila and Big Bob together this afternoon, sunning themselves in close proximity.

I haven’t taken a photo of the young dog yet, but here is another pup that I met on the beach this morning.

I do have limits however, I am not fond of bugs, beetles, spiders or insects of any type really, unless they are furry? Like the little black and red fluffy caterpillar I met this past fall.

Heck I’ll even talk to and hug my plants. ๐Ÿ™‚

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