One of the reasons I love Mexico is the uninhibited use of bright vivid colours everywhere you look. It makes the environment feel lively and jovial and just so darn happy. The amazing murals all around Puerto Vallarta are one of the aspects adding to this city’s beauty. I never tire of walking around and seeing what the local artists have produced since the last time I was here.

When I was in the city in January, I wrote a post about the Mayan murals, so for this post I will focus on other subject matter.
Many of the murals around the tourist part of town are of animals and birds. They are so beautiful, friendly and colourful and inject a burst of life onto a street. Most of these murals are huge and take up an entire wall or side of a building. They are not small paintings by any means. Some are only visible early in the morning before the businesses open, as they are painted on the metal shuttered doors, that once open, hide the mural from sight.
It could just be me noticing the cat murals because I love my furry felines so much. Or it could be that there are actually many cat murals around town. What ever the case, I always end up with many pictures cat related, this includes photographs of cat murals. 🙂

The murals of people are usually either historical figures or they relate to the business they are painted on. For example, there is a new Cuban restaurant in the Romantic Zone (Que Bola) which presents two large murals of historical Cuban figures. They are exquisitely executed, full of colour and life. Look at the character and expression captured on this gents face below.

Other murals painted with people are whimsical and so creative. It always amazes me that so many talented people exist in our midst. One thing that murals do is point this fact out, by showcasing art all around us.

Its difficult to remember, even for me, that these are enormous paintings. When I see them here on my screen, they seem small, like a 5×7 photograph. To paint on such a large scale is a feat in itself.
Cartoon Type Murals
Cute and funny, these types of paintings offer a childlike essence and I usually see them in or around parks.

These next three are all part of one large mural that is soooo cute and absolutely Mexicana in every way. The painting has been on the side of a building that gets solid sunshine, for quite a few years now. The unfortunate result is fading, but I still enjoy looking at it each time I come into the city.

And so Much More!
Honestly, I have so many photographs of murals, it is difficult to choose which ones to post. Here is a collection of further paintings that I find so charming and unique.
The Mexican people are very proud. I think displaying their talent like this, in a very public and large way, shows every visitor just how amazing this country and its people are. Full of life, living every moment in the moment, using colour, music and history to represent themselves. Mexico really is a beautiful and diverse country.