I love photography

One of my favourite things about photography is that I can capture amazing little vignettes around town. When viewing a photo of a house for example, one tends to see the larger image of the structure itself. Many of the homes here in Puerto Morelos are beautiful for sure, but it’s the small details that set them apart from each other. The creativity that owners have expressed on the exterior of their domiciles is so lovely.

No matter where I am, I always find beautiful tiny details that I find charming in and of themselves. Many times it is these little details that make a place special. This sleepy village is full of such vignettes, if you are able to slow down, and really look around, you can find them just about everywhere. Oftentimes they are hidden away, tucked under foliage, or behind a larger structure. But rest assured, they are there.

The Little Things

This is a theme I find myself returning to frequently now. It is part of the reason for this journey. Taking the time to slow down, to notice details, to take enjoyment in the treasure hunt instead of the treasure itself. My life needs this time of peace, this time of languid exploration. The way I plan to travel for the foreseeable future will afford me these pleasures. I am not a whirl wind traveller. I have no need or desire to partake of the tourist activities. The indulgence for me, comes from being one with a community.

Photography helps make this happen. I stop and eye things constantly. An ant or gecko on the sidewalk. A little tienda tucked away in the wall. A bottle tangled in seaweed. The way bricks are laid to strengthen a wall. Life is full of incredible oddities and amazing things, we just need to have the time and inclination to partake.

Perhaps you may be as lucky as I am, and have the time to find a treasure today. 🙂

Amazing Little Vignettes Around Town

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