Oh I am in heaven once again. After being in Salerno, and seeing, quite literally, only one cat up on a balcony, the entire time I was there, I am now surrounded! There are so many adorable shy cats of Modica that I am running out of space for all of the photos.

Modica Alta
I am in an Airbnb up in the highest realms of Modica Alta. Situated here is the very oldest part of the city, with beautiful ancient stone houses, roads and a myriad of staircases.

As I roam these charming old streets, I often and much to my delight, see cats. There is every shade under the sun here, from blackest black to snow white and everything in between.

Usually, because of the layout of the Alta region, I am not seeing these cats from a distance. I will turn a corner, or rise to the top of a staircase and a feline will skitter off a few feet in front of me.

Perhaps it is because of the nature of these buildings, being constructed into each other, and on top of each other, that leaves little room for preparedness for both them and I.
Only two times, in many encounters have I had the cats approach me when I began speaking with them. Both times, these beauties wore collars.

Most of the cats I see, do not have any signs of identification. They all look amazingly healthy though. With regularity, I pass food and water bowls, so I know they are being cared for by these dear Italian neighbours of mine.

The majority of my cat encounters have been them running for the hills, as soon as I start to speak my high-pitched English cat voice to them. 🤣 I’m not sure if it’s the English, or me personally that is making them nervous.

Come to think of it I haven’t’ seen or heard a local speak with the cats, so perhaps it is being spoken to at all that gives them the heebie jeebies.
I have been so lucky to see a wee little girl a few times now. Sometimes she is close to her mom, other times she has wandered a little way up her neighbourhood flight of stairs. If I sit down for a moment, her curiosity gets the better of her and we can have a little play time. ☺️

This little muffin has stolen my heart for sure.

There are a few other groups of cats that I believe are little families, but I have not noticed very many wee ones. I wouldn’t expect to though, with the abundance of perfect hiding spots in this area.

Oh I must confess it has been a blessing to be back in a land of furry friends. I do miss them when not around. Not only are photo opportunities of this gorgeous city stopping me in my tracks now, but so many beautiful and sweet cats as well.
My heart overfloweth.