Let Me Explain

This morning I witnessed a singular act of kindness here in Puerto Morelos that sparked in me, a huge moment of joy.

I was out on my daily long walk. Well actually three walks today. I had to restock the kitchen so I made several trips out and back purchasing the various necessities. On my second walk-a-bout town, I stopped in at a little tienda to buy some eggs.

Ahead of me at the counter was an older local gentleman paying for his goods. Behind him was a young lad probably about 6 years old. And then myself. When the older fella was pulling his money from his pocket to pay the clerk, a coin dropped to the ground. As he was leaving the counter he said something to the boy in Spanish that I couldn’t understand. I thought he had told the young boy that he could have the coin. The boy picked up the coin and on an outstretched hand, offered it back to the older gent who was now on his way out the door. The gent waved his hand and told the boy he could keep the little treasure. In the pocket it went.

So now the lad is at the counter. He has a $2 Peso coin (14 cents Canadian) in his hand. He asks for something in Spanish for which I am not familiar. The clerk pulled a box of band aids from under the counter and tears off two singles. Over goes the little hand with the $2 peso coin and he takes the band aids. Then he pulls out the other coin, the one which dropped earlier. It is also a $2 peso coin. He has asked in Spanish which candies he can buy with his money. The clerk point to various little wrapped treats that sit in a plexi-glass case beside the til. The boy has his eye on a slightly larger wrapped goodie. He points to that one and the clerk says its $3 but shakes his head and hands it to the little guy, taking his $2 coin.

Now I don’t know if I have explained that well enough to give you the picture of what actually transpired.

Firstly the sweetness of the older man, letting the boy have the coin. That in itself was lovely to see. It was so simple, gentle and kind.

Secondly, the boy purchasing single band aids! This is utterly charming to me. In Canada we are so used to buying from big boxed stores. Everything comes in large containers, cases, rolls. Oftentimes you only need one thing, but you end up buying the large container because that is all that is available. Or the smaller container is almost the same price as the big one. Here in the small towns in Mexico, you can purchase many things singularly. Even a tablet for a headache! For just today, I purchased 8 eggs. At this same tienda, the clerk simply took a little bag and filled it with ocho huevos for me.

Now thirdly is the little guy buying a candy. One of my very few memories of my childhood is buying candy at the corner store. These neighbourhood stores are a thing of the past now. But back then, you would take your dime or quarter and go and get as much candy as you could with that coin. Geez that makes me sound really old! But it was the best day of the week! Same thing here today, before my very eyes. A child spending his money to buy himself some candy. My god it was heartwarming.

This small insignificant event made such a momentous impact on me. For this is why I generally don’t stay in hotels any more. This is why I don’t stay in the tourist area’s anymore. These are the experiences that I adore. They are tiny. But they make a humongous impact on my heart.

A few photo’s from the colonias

Buenos Dias!

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