I went on a long walk this morning and a scary thing happened to me today.

I’m okay, but it was unnerving.

I was hesitant to post this. Everyone always wants their life to look glamorous and fun, especially while travelling. But life when you travel is just like life at home. Some days are good and some are shit. I am determined to post about the good and the bad experiences that I have, as they both serve as valuable insight into travelling as a solo female.

A Scary Thing Happened to Me Today

Where I was

I walked to Walmart today in Puerto Vallarta. I took a route that led me past Costco and La Comer. It was on this main artery, Av. Fluvial Vallarta, on the sidewalk, just as I was approaching La Comer after passing by Costco. There were not many people about even though it was about 9:15am.

What Happened

Part One

Looking ahead I noticed walking towards me, a scruffy younger male, probably around 25 years old. He was wearing a tan t-shirt, tan shorts and carrying a large cross body canvas bag. He was filthy from head to toe. His dark brown hair was completely dishevelled, standing up in all directions and absolutely dirty.

After I took note of him, I didn’t make prolonged eye contact however whenever I glanced at his face, I could see that he was looking at me. As he approached me, I moved to my left by one big step so that I would not be close to him as we passed.

At the exact moment he was beside me, I glanced to my right and saw that he had thrust his hip towards me in an attempt to hip check me and knock me to the ground.

Part Two

The moment I was past him, I turned to make sure he wasn’t following me. Thankfully he had continued to walk down the sidewalk, however he had also turned and we made eye contact once again. Facing forward again, I continued at a fast pace to create some distance between us.

When I turned back to see where he was, I noticed he had stopped and had just finished bending down to pick something up. He hid his hand behind his back. In that same moment, he pulled his hand back out, and pelted a sizable rock at me.

All I could do in that second was turn my face away and hope like hell that it missed me. I heard the rock whiz by and smack the pavement ahead of where I was standing. It did not make contact.

I ran a few steps ahead, turned back again and thankfully he was not following but moving away down the sidewalk.


A Caucasian man, about 60 years old approached me right away and asked if I was okay. I said yes and told him what had happened. My voice was quivering and I was clearly shaken so he again asked if I was okay. I said yes and thanked him for checking on me.

A few seconds later a Mexican lady yelled out to me from behind. She also asked if I was okay and I answered yes. She said that guy is ‘crazy’. I thanked her also but wanted to keep walking to create distance.

I continued my walk towards Walmart, checking behind me regularly, just in case. I never saw the male again.

His Motive

I don’t think this individual was ‘crazy’. He was lucid and alert and did not seem under the influence of any substance. Readers who know my career back ground will understand that I know what I’m talking about.

I believe one of two scenarios was at play here.

The first and most likely was he was hoping to knock me to the ground with the hip check and take my phone. Even though its 5 years old, if he could have sold it for $10 that is $10 he didn’t have 5 minutes prior. When the hip check failed, he was angry and lashed out with the rock.

The second motive is he has a chip on his shoulder for what ever reason, and I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Again, when the hip check failed to knock me down, he was angry and pelted the rock at me.

The take away

I didn’t do anything wrong. In fact there is nothing I could have done to prevent this.

I was wearing a plain blue t-shirt with no logo. A plain darker blue pair of shorts with no visible logo. Dusty black older runners. The only jewellery I wear is a thin leather strap around one wrist and a pair of small hoop earrings. I was not carrying anything but an old iPhone that is 5 years old in a cheap plastic case. I was not carrying a purse or any visible signs of money.

Travellers, especially ladies, keep your whits about you. Be aware of your surroundings. If you see an undesirable person approaching you, give them space. I’m so glad that I moved to the side so he couldn’t knock me down. I’m so glad that I was aware of my surroundings and not looking at my phone or otherwise distracted. I’m so glad that I’m okay.

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