Decorations in the Colonias
Yesterday I posted about Christmas decorations that I have photographed since I arrived in Puerto Morelos. They were photo’s of decorations that are very western in nature. The typical Santa Claus and Christmas tree with shiny baubles. Today, I’m going to show you pictures of a more humble approach to Christmas decorations. Most of these decorations adorn the exterior of homes, doors and fences in the Colonias.

I can’t help but admire how intricate the straw wreath is. Decorated with ribbons and pompoms it is amazing and utterly charming, hanging on a front gate. Below is a picture in full.

Sunday Market in the Colonias

As I strolled through the local market this past Sunday, I found a few more holiday decorations. One was a large religious piece hanging on a wall, it measures approx. 3 feet by 2 feet and was resplendent. Made of wood, and decorated with palm fronds, images of Mary, poinsettias and garland. It represents perfectly the fierce bond between Mexicans and their religion.
Christmas Pinatas
Look at these! Christmas Pinatas! They are huge too, ready to be taken home and filled with all sorts of sweet and spicy goodies. The large red bauble was hanging in a stall at the Sunday market, and the Santa and snowman are hanging in a local produce store.
Now if you are still with me, I’m going to show you my absolute favourite Christmas photo thus far. This photograph for me shows the most humble and beautiful part of being in a small town in Mexico. The essence of simplicity.

This touches my heart so deeply. Such a modest abode. If you look closely you will see that in addition to the Santa, there is a string of lights too. Its the tin roof covered with heavy plastic, the soft sage green door, the old graffiti. Ahhhh Mexico, you ground me.