I didn’t know what to expect when I booked to stay here, but I have been totally captivated by this young Vietnamese city. Here are 5 free things to do in Da Nang that you should not miss on your next visit.

Dragon Bridge
Without a doubt, this is a must see. The unique bridge has a large yellow, undulating dragon that spans its length. During the day it is a marvel to see as you walk along the river bank. At night however, is when the magic happens.

Grab a spot near the head, any Friday, Saturday or Sunday at 9pm. The crowd will be large but everyone can see the show. This huge dragon breathes fire multiple times! I was standing below the bridge, quite far away and I could still feel the heat emanating from these massive bursts of flame. It was so cool.

Don’t leave yet though, cause if you wait a few minutes he is going to spray a ginormous stream of water all over the crowd! Be prepared if you are standing on the bridge, that’s all I’ll say about that. 🤣
Son Tra Night Market
At the base of the dragon bridge, every night after dusk is the Son Tra Night Market. Not only is this a great place to pick up your souvenirs, but you can get some of the most unique street food items here. Many come cooked to order on a stick.

Have a walk around and let your senses delve into all things Vietnamese. From the sounds, sights and smells you will know you have entered another unique destination.
My Khe Beach
A world class beach awaits you in Da Nang. This wide and vastly long sandy beach is a beauty. I love beaches and I can tell you this is a winner.

Lined with clubs, hotels, café carts and surf schools, the My Khe beach is where its at. A walk in the wee hours of the morning will catch you watching the fishermen, during the day you can sun bathe and in the evening bask in the glow of the sunset.

Fish Restaurants
Okay this may sound weird, but bear with me. At the end of Nguyen Van Thoai St, closest to the beach, are a series of restaurants geared for a specific tourist market. Here you can select your seafood, and have it cooked to perfection. But this is not why it’s on my list.

These restaurants allow you to wander around the fish tanks and see the most marvellous creatures up close. One specifically is so huge, its like walking inside an aquarium. See cuttlefish, more varieties of lobster than you thought existed, all types of shelled seafood, monster sized crabs, squid, and an extensive selection of fish.

I was absolutely enthralled walking through these tanks of sea creatures, marvelling at their beauty.
Con Market
For possibly the most authentic experience in the city, visit the Cho Con or Con Market. Located in the down town area of the city, this huge two story covered market will open your eyes to the most authentic Vietnamese experience.

From meat and seafood (be prepared), to fruits and veg, dried goods, household supplies, toys, clothing, toiletries, textiles, really just about everything is sold here. It is crowded, busy, loud and some areas smell foul, but you won’t forget this experience any time soon.

I hope this provides you with some ideas for this amazing city of Da Nang. There is so much to see here. Every time I looked up what to do in Da Nang, I was always shown the same five things, and most are not even in the actual city! No bueno, here are five free things you can do all within one day if need be. Enjoy!