I am so surprised at how much there is to do here. Feeling like this might just be the tip of the ice berg too. I had no idea what I would find in this town in the winter months, but I have been pleasantly surprised. Here are 5 free things to do in Paphos.

Agia Solomoni Catacombs
Dive into the bowels of this ancient chamber of tombs from the Hellenistic Period. Located close to the Fabrika Hill cave, this special sanctuary cannot be missed.

Agia Solomoni was one of the first people to publicly embrace Christianity on the Island of Cyprus. Because of this, the Romans executed her seven children and forced her into these catacombs which they then cemented closed.
Legend says that when they were opened 200 years later, she walked out. In medieval times, this small complex became a church of sorts and remnants of paintings from the 12th century can be seen on the walls today.

Above the cave is a 600 year old pistachio three that is thought to have healing powers. People have come from all around since the middle ages, to hang pieces of cloth from its branches.

Paphos Harbour
A beautiful updated marina area of Paphos. Head down to the harbour to walk along and admire the colourful fishing boats, have a bite to eat or go for a swim in a salt water pool!

There are so many artful benches around should you wish to rest and take in the incredible scenery. On one end of the Harbour is the Paphos Castle and the other is Alykes Beach. During high season I imagine this area is bustling with activity, but now in winter it is gloriously calm.

Don’t forget to find the beautiful statues, one of a little girl near the castle and The Little Fisherman near the pool.

Fabrika Hill Cave Complex
Completely free, wander into these spooky caves which began life as catacombs in the Hellenistic period before the Romans. Over 2,000 years ago, this was a burial site or cemetery if you will. Later people fled here to live and made it their homes, to escape persecution from the Romans.

This is a huge cave complex, located right across the street from Kings Avenue Mall. A must visit site, and would be especially fun for children. I don’t recommend going in at night and if you want to explore deeply, you might want a flashlight.

Roman Amphitheatre
Located on the top and to one side of Fabrika Hill is the ancient Roman Amphitheatre. It is in rough shape but is a beautiful piece of local Roman history. Paphos Kato is the site of Nea Pafos which was the original city located here and once capital of the island.

Have a wander around the theatre and the area here. There is a large overhead walkway to take you to various other interesting sights.
School Street
Head on up to Old Town Paphos and right across from City Hall is ‘School Street’. Here you will see a row of gorgeous neoclassical buildings. These are various schools that were built after the British took control of the island in the 1870’s.

The first school is still standing and being used today. As you walk along you will see various others that were built right up until the 1950’s. The entrance is a large set of pillars with flags flown proudly above.

I hope this post gives you some ideas for free things to do and see here in Paphos. I might have to make another post as there are so many more things filling my head, that people might like to know about. As a budget traveller these posts are invaluable to me. I always start a destination search with ‘free things to do in …..’