I feel I have to write this post to let people know, especially visitors with children, that they need to be hyper aware when walking around this city. I am a big walker; it is my preferred mode of transportation for exploration. Walking safely in Konyaalti Antalya is a challenge that’s for sure.

If there are sidewalks, the conditions are fairly good. Most are made with bricks of various shapes and sizes. Akin to cobblestones, these only really pose a difficulty when the bricks have come loose or you are having to drag your suitcase for any stretch.

The problems arise when vehicles are regularly using the sidewalks to drive on. I have seen multiple cars use these wide sidewalks to drive down. I try to get photos, but after one guy yelled at me, I have been reluctant to photograph these moving vehicles.

The other more common situation are the scooter and motor bikes that drive on the sidewalks. Its okay if they are coming towards you and you can see and dodge them, but when they zip by from behind, it just feels so dangerous.

Please don’t let your guard down just because you are a pedestrian walking along on the sidewalks here. These are not safe places to walk like they are elsewhere.
Another area to be hyper vigilant are the crosswalks. I always wait for the green walking man, but this does not guarantee you safe crossing here in Antalya.
Many of the larger roads will allow you to cross half way. You will have a green man to get you mid intersection, then have to wait for the next man to turn green to proceed. Sometimes you are standing for quite some time, half way across the busy street.
Once your walking man turns green, do not step out, there are likely 4, 5 or even 6 cars running the red light.
Just because you are in a cross walk, with a green man, does not mean a car will not cut right in front of you. This has happened to me multiple times, it is not uncommon.
Be very careful of cars turning right, they will not stop for you if you are in the crosswalk and have the right of way with the green walking man.

Basically, remain hyper vigilant in any crosswalk even if you think you have the right of way. I have never yet, not even once, had a vehicle stop and let me cross when I was waiting at a cross walk. Every single time, I have had to wait for a gap in the cars.
Motorcycles and scooters will also be driving on the zebra stripes, so be alert for vehicles in your pedestrian path as well.

Pull Outs
Most of these apartment buildings that are the predominant housing in Konyaalti have their parking area’s in behind them. Therefore, the vehicles must pull out and cross the sidewalks to reach the road. Be very aware when walking down the sidewalks of these pull-out areas, for most vehicles will not pause or stop to see if there are pedestrians on the sidewalk. They simply pull right up to enter the road.
Please by careful when out and about, walking around Antalya and enjoying the city. There are many beautiful and unique things to look at but first and foremost, be careful. Travel safe my friends.