I don’t know what it is, perhaps its from only seeing Italy in movies as a child and young adult. But when I walk around town and see these vehicles, especially the older models, I am in rapture. I am such a girl when it comes to cars etc., I cannot provide any specific information. All I can do is show you photographs of the cutest Vespas & Fiats in Modica and hope that brings you joy.

Cutest Vespas & Fiats in Modica
Cutest Vespas & Fiats in Modica


As I slowly explore this beautiful Sicilian city, I see scooters all over the place. There are several varieties of course and I usually don’t pay much attention to the newer models. What continually catches my eye though, and makes me emit an audible “awwwww” are the cute older ones.

A pretty blue Vespa down at the beach in Marina di Modica

Of course, if there is a colour to them, I get even more excited. And if they have been loving kept in good nick, well, that’s the cream on the top of the cake.

But even the rusty old ones, the scrap metal ones with the busted seat and rotting bits, will usually still get a photograph. 🤣


Before I came to Italy, I didn’t even know what these little cars were called. All I knew was I loved them! Seeing them in person though, oh dear, they are the cutest things in the whole world!

Well, the old models are. I mean, when you are up beside one, in a jelly bean colour? There is nothing like it. They are so tiny! I always think I could just pick it up and put it in my suitcase. 😂

One can rent these as a tourist attraction of sorts, I have even seen a tour group daily, of these little old Fiats driving through town.

Vespas & Fiats in Modica

My favourite though, is to see the locals who drive and are proud of their vehicles. When they catch me taking a photo, they usually give me a big grin. I love it.

One honourable mention

I came across this scooter the other day, A Lambretta Golden Special. I was stopped in my tracks. It is sooooo gorgeous, it looks like a little space ship scooter from The Jetsons. 🤣 Have a look at this beauty and tell me its not the cutest thing ever??!!

These vehicles are something that I get so much pleasure from when I see them in my daily travels around Italy. Here in Modica, I have been so fortunate to see them regularly and be able to admire them up close. I have noticed a Vespa Club here too. I pass their garage nearly every day. How I would love to see one of their gatherings one day.

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