As a budget traveller, I am always on the look out for free things to do in every city I visit. It is amazing what is available all around us that costs nothing, just time. Having spent a little less than two weeks in this city, here are my ideas for 6 free things to do & see in Salerno.

6 Free Things to Do & See in Salerno
Arechi Castle

Walk the Esplanade

I didn’t know this before arriving, but Salerno has a really beautiful seaside promenade. The widest section consists of three parallel rows and begins at the Spiaggia Santa Teresa, or the main beach near Piazza della Liberta.

Closest to the sea is a wide level path. Next to this is an even wider area that is lined with two rows of flowering oleander trees and benches with a cobblestone path down the centre. And beside that are tracks which look like they used to belong to a tram, but now is a walking area.

The length varies from 1 to 2 kilometres depending on what you read, however a singular walkway extends far beyond this. If you are looking for an unimpeded place for a morning run or power walk, this would be excellent and incredibly scenic.

Duomo di Salerno

You have to pay an entry fee to visit the cathedral and crypt, however the entire courtyard area is completely free! Walk inside the massive front doors and you will enter an ancient courtyard built in the 11th century. The bell tower soars above and all around the walls of the courtyard are ancient roman sarcophagi, frescoes and other artifacts of times gone by.

Standing at the entrance doors looking into the courtyard
One of many sarcophagi
Ancient roman tombstones
The bell tower and gorgeous arches
Nothing is roped off, you can see and touch this ancient place

I absolutely love the peace I found inside this magical place in the heart of the city. Definitely worthy of a visit.

Standing inside the courtyard of the Duomo di Salerno

Arechi Castle & the Bastiglia

Hike up to Arechi castle and even further to the Bastiglia. Yes, there is indeed another castle beyond Arechi that I wrote about in a previous post.

Exploring the vast exterior of Arechi castle is completely free as is going into the courtyard and seeing the panoramic view from the café terrace.

Unbelievable view of Salerno from the Arechi castle cafe.

Walk behind the castle, and ascend another 300 feet up to the top of the mountain, and you reach the Bastiglia, which was the most northern watch tower. The walk up is lined with beautiful natural and local flora with rustic benches placed periodically should you need a rest.

Explore the Muri D’autore

An area inside the Centro Storico, or oldest part of the city has been painted and covered in poetry! All of the tiny little alleys and streets in this neighbourhood have been creatively transformed into an enchanting place.

If you love street art as much as I do, you will be enthralled here.

Archaeology Museum

At the time of writing, this is completely free to enter and explore! It is an older museum that doesn’t look like it has had much attention since it was opened, but you can view beautiful old artifacts here.

There are many ancient pieces of jewellery, weapons, figures and pottery. Consisting of two floors and an exterior area with roman marble pieces, it is worth a visit for sure.

Mercato all’aperto Torrione

For a completely local and immersive experience, head to the Mercato all’aperto Torrione. Here you will see gorgeous local fruits and vegetables and the freshest fish selection around.

Interesting in vintage clothing? You will find it here along with many vendors selling new items. This market also sells household goods, cosmetics, jewellery, and other treasures. Visiting markets is one of my favourite ways of experiencing a city’s unique culture and vibe.

There are so many more things I could list here, like the ancient roman aqueducts, the long pedestrian only shopping road or a day spent at the black sand beach. But alas, I’m already being too wordy. I have thoroughly enjoyed visiting Salerno. It is a beautiful city that deserves way more attention that it has received.

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