Alright, its that time again, I’m heading to a new destination! Today I woke up at 00:30, yes you read that right, because I have a flight leaving Varna at 4:30am. Dude. The things I do to save a few dollars. 😂 I will be flying Air Serbia VAR to TIV via BEG.

Flying Air Serbia VAR to TIV via BEG

Leaving Varna (VAR)

I left my hotel at 1:30 in the pitch dark in a taxi bound for VAR airport. The streets were empty and so was the terminal. Cost of the ride from near the train station was 15 LEV ($11.30 CAD). Nothing was open, but me being moi, I needed to arrive earlier rather than later. I explored a little, there really is not much there with the departures area being right beside the arrivals.

Once through security, all the stores were open. There is a Costa Coffee, Duty Free, McDonald’s with super high prices (do better McDonald’s!), and various other shops, all of which were open for business at this early hour of 2:30am. See the McDonald’s prices below, the current exchange rate is 1 Bulgarian LEV equals .75 cents CAD). Dude.

Duty Free past security
Shops past security
14.20 for a double cheeseburger??? What the heck, thats over $10 Canadian!
And 11.40 for large fries??? Thats $8.50 Canadian!
Air Serbia
Bussing to aircraft
Waiting to board
Hand on craft of ATR72-600

Air Serbia

First time flying with Air Serbia and this specific aircraft, an ATR72-600. It is a twin-engine turboprop and reminded me of the Dash 8 series. The plane was comfortable. I was given a window seat in the exit row at the front of the plane. The flight was 1 hour and 25 minutes and the snack was a small bottle of water and 2 biscuits. Clean plane, pleasant staff and comfortable ride.

Belgrade (BEG)

Having never been to this airport or Serbia before, I was curious to see how it looked. It is a very standard airport for sure. Clean, functional and with plenty of shops to entertain myself for the 5-hour layover.

I noticed one eatery had an extremely long line, so feeling hungry, I joined. Turns out it was a bakery, and wowzers, did I hit the jackpot. I even found an empty seat in which to enjoy the best Nutella croissant I have ever tasted, a fresh orange juice and a cappuccino.

My take away was a ham and cheese sandy, turns out it also had egg salad inside too! Feeling a wave of dizziness from lack of sleep, I found a quiet area, plugged in my phone and laid on the dirty airport carpet for a stretch. I have no shame. 😂

Tivat (TIV)

Leaving Belgrade on Air Serbia in an Airbus A319-100 was so comfortable and nice. The seat beside mine was vacant, I had a window with which to see the gorgeous mountains, and the seats were wide and spacious. Same snack offerings as the previous flight.

Hand to craft Air Serbia A319-100
Waiting to taxi
Onboard the Air Serbia flight to Tivat
Turning onto runway
Leaving Belgrade
A well behaved pumpkin in the seat infront of me 🙂

This was a short and sweet flight and arriving into Tivat was so picturesque. With the beaches, cliffs, mountains and blue sky, really it was breathtaking. Once on the tarmac, it is a short walk to the terminal where you queue for passport control. The line moves fast and luggage had arrived by the time I hit the carousel.

Such a beautiful view!
Almost to Tivat
Arrival at TIV
One look back at the Air Serbia Airbus
Welcome to Montenegro!
Queue for passport control

Well, I’m officially on location in Montenegro folks! I am sooooo excited to be here and to explore this beautiful coastal area. I have an amazing Airbnb, my first ever with a scenic view! It is bright and spacious and the deck is enormous! How lucky am I??

Leaving Tivat airport

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